Vintage Sewing For Emma
How is Emma doing? She is doing great and growing like crazy! Although she promised not to change and do new things before I had a chance to see her again, apparently she lied. Last time I saw this sweet baby she was 4 months old. What a difference 5 months makes! I am soooo glad that I will be traveling next week to see her.
This cute little outfit was in the "Nana box" that I sent a few weeks ago. The top features an elephant applique' from and is trimmed with pink rick rack.
The pattern that I pulled from my stash is dated 1980. Since that was during my baby boy years, I think that a friend passed it my way in hopes that we would eventually have a girl. It would be 7 more years before Anna's arrival! I'm glad that I held onto this pattern because it is still cute 31 years later. That is when a pattern is truly a classic.
Emma is going to love those Nana Boxes coming her way! This little outfit is just charming! Love it!
Lucky girl with those Nana boxes landing in her mailbox! I am sure she will love her Nana visits even more though:)
You are so right, this is a classic pattern. My mother in law sewed this outfit for my daughter when she was a toddler and gave the pattern to me. Loved it then and love it now. I have it in my vintage stash and hope to use it again one day. Perfect for these 100 degree days! Emma is a lucky girl to have Nana boxes! Enjoy your visit!
I have that pattern in my box of baby patterns! I need to pull it out and do something with it :-) You are right it is quite classic.
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