"What have you been doing fun?" This is the question that our family has begun asking each other when we have a chance to talk. Our four adult children are scattered around the world so when we talk we are REALLY catching up! We have discovered, that when we stopped asking,"What have you been doing?" to "What have you been doing fun?" the dynamics of the conversations began to change. "Fun", by our families definition, does not have to be big and expensive but can also be little insignificant things. By challenging each other to have more fun, we have become more aware of how we are spending our free time and get some really neat ideas from each other.
This weekend was not exciting, but we totally enjoyed it!
Went for a walk through the neighborhood to enjoy the Fall weather. (Walked fast....got chilly!)
Read favorite blogs while he watched the ballgame.
Played with colored pencils while he watched another ballgame. (I was pleased that I could find things to do during the ballgames!)
No nap after church, but the phone call WAS from Iraq!
Took our time with the paper.
Coffee on the deck, where we discussed, "What kind of animal noise is that in the woods?"
Took new camera on a "field trip." (See above pictures)
Read camera books, so that I will not have to take 75 pictures to get 3 good ones on each outing!
We also discovered that the kids enjoy talking to us more if we are not bored and "Wishing you were here." We can hardly wait for the Fall foliage to peak during the next few weeks. We are already making our plans!