Wednesday, September 15, 2010

The Pattern And I Are Both Vintage!

When I started the vintage dress several weeks ago, I had a vague memory that this might have been like a pattern that my mother had used for me as a baby. She passed all of her patterns to sewing friends years ago, but for some reason you never forget them! The day that the first "Vintage Baby Dress" blog posted she called to say, "My heart fluttered when I read your blog! Your 1 year old Birthday Dress was made by that exact pattern and the picture is in your album!"

Sure enough, there it was. This picture will be 50 years old this January and as I write this it has just occurred to me how special it will be to get to make a 1st Birthday dress inspired by the same pattern for my first granddaughter next year!!!



Jan M said...

This makes my heart flutter, too! How very sweet and special!

Anonymous said...

Oh, so sweet and precious! If you're am I as I'll be 50 in May. :)

Jeannie B. said...

That is so very sweet! You were born with your talent, inherited from your mom. You are lucky to have your Mom!!

Anonymous said...

that is so precious!!!How special that you have this pattern just like your dress and then for your first granddaughter, makes my heart flutter as well!!

Unknown said...

That is so gorgeous!! What a fantastic thing to have and be able to share with your grandaughter!

Suzanne H said...

This is what makes the heirloom world go round and be the very special place it is :)


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