Saturday, January 23, 2010

The Birthday Girl!

That would be me!

Turning 50!

A special party is planned!

A lot of young people are coming, who also think that I am their momma!

We plan to eat cupcakes and laugh a lot!

Look at that hair on a 1 year old!

Why were my babies bald?

And that little smocked wonder I love smocking!

I hope everyone has a nice weekend. I need to go for a walk, so that I can have 2 cupcakes tonight!



Kelly said...

Beautiful picture! Have a wonderful birthday!

Jan said...

What a sweet photograph! Have a wonderful birthday, and enjoy those cupcakes!

Jeannie B. said...

Happy Birthday Michie', We January babies are many. Only 50 years old!! Well, you are such a baby!! And a cute little girl. Love your smocked dress and the bangs! Jeannie

Martha said...

Happy Happy Birthday from another January baby. We rock! Hope you have a wonderful party.

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday!

Since I am still celebrating my 51-and-how-the-heck-did-I-get-here birthday, please allow me to send you (and all who read this) a birthday gift: the link for a free cover-to-cover read of my book.

It's about how my amazing Spirit-led journey began on the birthday that all of my friends forgot! (One of my best birthdays yet!)

Just sign up here: no experts needed dot com

No strings/spam attached, really!
(I know, hard to believe these days :-) But it's simply my way of giving back.

Continue the celebration,
Louise Lewis, author
No Experts Needed: The Meaning of Life According to You!

Cindy said...

Michie'......I hope you have a fantastic birthday!!! I think you should eat as many cupcakes as you want!!! Love the picture!!!

seamsgreat said...

Happy Birthday!

Laurie said...

Happy Birthday - I just turned 50 in December. My mother also dressed me in smocked dresses and smocking is my most favorite type of sewing!


antcan said...

Happy Birthday, Michie!!!

KathyD said...

I hope you had a wonderful birthday! Mine is today. :)

AdronsCatherine said...

Happy birthday!!!

Anonymous said...

What a lovely picture! Happy, happy birthday!

Unknown said...

Hey, Happy Birthday!! I thought about you on that day, but I was out of town. Should've called you. I'm 48 this year. Wow, time flies, doesn't it??

Sewbusymor said...

Happy belated Birthday Michie!! and I have to tell you that my sister shares her day with you!! As Jeannie says...we January BABIES are many!! Myself was Jan. 22. Have a wonderful year!! Karin


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