Not only are some patterns considered classic because they never truly go out of style, but the same goes for smocking designs. "Beth's Little Lambs" by Mollie Jane Taylor falls into this category for me. This was the first smocking plate that I successfully picture smocked 22 years ago for Anna. I vividly remember trying to read the graph and stacking the stitches. Not to mention the thrill when I held it up and asked Rex, "What are they?" and he said, " Sheep?" It is hard to explain that level of excitement to a non-smocker!
A true classic. Looking forward to the tutorial.
That is a beautiful dress. She will look so sweet in it!
Dear Michie' . . .
I read your blog often and just wanted to tell you how thrilled I am this morning to see this little dress on your blog. Thrilled too to know that my "Beth's Little Lambs" design was the first picture smocked dress that you made for your pretty Anna. I created it for my daughter, Beth when she was about three years old in 1979. I love that you now are making a little lambs dress for little Emma too. It is exciting for me to hear you call this plate a "classic"! It is still in print and still sells well for me. Thank you so much for this compliment . . . coming from talented you is a thrill!
Mollie Jane Taylor
Sheep Farmers here and this design was used on two of my little girls dresses back in the late 1980's! Yours is stunning. Mine were on blue batiste, no lace collars.
This was my first attempt at picture smocking too!
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