Friday, May 20, 2011

Baby Christian Update

A little update about Anna and baby Christian. Anna is now home and doing very well all things considered. Christian has been moved from the NICU and is now in Progressive Care. Anna and Jason are able to go to the hospital and feed him several times today day and I was even able to hold him for a few minutes!
The little guy still needs prayer, but he is steadily improving and may be able to go home in a few days. With all the stress and concern we have had this week we have felt the overwhelming love and comfort that only comes from God.

Anna's face expresses how we all feel right now!



Anonymous said...

So glad Anna and little baby Christian are doing so well! They look wonderful and I love that sweet little foot poking out. I hope he gets to go home soon! They are both in my prayers!

Shanna Smith

Laurie said...

I am glad to hear things are progressing well. I'm thankful the prayers are bringing all of you healing and comfort.

Anonymous said...

praying for this precious boy!!!

Elisabeth Rose said...

He is gorgeous. I am so glad that he is improving and will be able to go home soon. What an ordeal for your family. Soon you will all be enjoying those sweet baby cuddles.

ShirleyC said...

He is beautiful! Praying he continues to improve.

Jan M said...

What a sweet little baby boy! Thank you for taking the time to share photographs, update us, and allow us to join you in prayer.
May Christian soon be strong enough to come home.

dlogan said...

Michie, Christian is beautiful!! Many continued prayers are being sent your way. God Bless, Darby

Cindy said...

He is beautiful!!! Thanks so much for updating us! Continued prayers coming their way!

Martha Ann said...

Michie', so happy to here Anna and Christian are improving! You have had a week full of anxiety. The prayers will continue.

Belinda said...

So happy to hear of the progress made by Christian and Anna. The medical advances for babies and moms are so incredible. We have had the experience firsthand also. Very helpless feeling looking on but so happy the prayers have helped for all of your family. Belinda

Wendy in AZ said...

I'm so glad that Christian is improving and that Anna is well enough to go home. I pray that he can go home soon!


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