I can drive myself crazy trying to choose the right color embroidery floss to match the fabric! The problem was finally solved after a friend recommended the DMC reference book. The book can be found at most stores where DMC can be purchased, and is worth every dollar.
The book has fold out pages which have actual samples of DMC floss in every color that the company makes, along with the reference number next to it. I use the book for every single project to satisfy the nagging doubt, "Is this color floss the closet match to the fabric?"
I spread the book out in good lighting and lay my fabric next to the floss samples to find the best match. About 50% of the time I discover that I do not have the needed colors on hand and I then have a good excuse to make another trip to the fabric store!
You may notice that there is not a blue floss in the picture. That is because I discovered that there is not a DMC shade of blue close enough to suit me. Having the book on hand has also encouraged me to use a wider range of colors with my embroidery instead of using the same favorite ones over and over!
thanks for this post...me thinks i need this dmc book :)
This booklet is so handy. I have a custom smocking business and I use it everyday with my customers- even when I have all the DMC threads- When can we see what you are making out of the cute fabric??
thanks for this post...me thinks i need this dmc book :)
This booklet is so handy. I have a custom smocking business and I use it everyday with my customers- even when I have all the DMC threads- When can we see what you are making out of the cute fabric??
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