Play Clothes For Emma
No sooner had a I told Rex that I thought that I needed to cut back on the sewing for the grand babies, because "They don't need a thing" Emma's mommy e-mailed to let me know that she is out growing everything! First thing I did was go through the Trunk Show to see if there was anything in the appropriate size.
This playsuit made by pattern #123 is on oldie but goody. If you have taken Picture Smocking from me you will recognize it! The smocking design is by "June Bugs Designs." Their graphs are very clear and easy to read.
I made this sunsuit #132, a few weeks ago out of scraps from an earlier project. Any outfit made from leftovers is considered free. So the cost of the outfit was the cost of the two buttons!
I thought that I would give you a peak at my new design wall. Staging garments for photos in my small room is always a challenge. Anna came up with buying cheap pictures frames, both had very ugly prints in them, painting the frames white and hanging the garments in the center. Doesn't it look artsy? Apparently Anna is very creative in the middle of the night while up feeding "Chunky Monkey."
*The dress on the left is made by pattern #116.
I love your little sunsuits!! And Anna's idea with the frames is a great one!!!
Such sweet play clothes! Love the frames, too!
What a good idea with the picture frames! I may have to borrow that idea.
I love the sunsuits, and what a cute way to frame your creations!
that's the problem with babies.... they tend to grow. our grandson is now due in two weeks. i got the o.k. from my daughter on a couple of patterns so i have been shadow embroidering some diaper shirts and a bubble (smocking is not allowed). now to find the time to get them sewn up. our granddaughter who is 4 1/2 has grown up so fast during this pregnancy. we had her for the night last weekend and my husband asked if the long yearned for cure would work, "can't we put a brick on her head."your clothes are adorable. i wish i had a sample closet to go to. my advise to any of you whose children have outgrown smocked or embroidered clothes. start making them again in small sizes. they will make wonderful baby shower gifts. but more importantly that first grandchild can come before you know it. and there you will be supplied with whatever you need to fill in the gaps while you make them special clothes. wish i had done that.
I love the sweet little dresses hanging in the frames!! What an adorable idea!!
Oh Michie! Love the framed look for your dresses. I'm redoing my sewing room now - swapping our unused larger living room for my much used tiny sewing room. Think I'll have to copycat and borrow your frame idea too! Thanks for the inspiration for my sewing and sewing room!
Cannot wait to awe these for next summer!!!!!
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