Adapting a Pattern
I love taking a favorite pattern and changing it slightly to achieve a new look! For this project, I used Baby Daygown #128, white flannel for the gown and pale blue Imperial Batiste for the bias binding. A few simple steps are all that are required to adapt the pattern. After tracing off the pattern onto light weight paper, I used a red pencil and marked 3/8" from the neck edge and the front edge of the gown. I also marked the gown back neck edge 3/8" from the edge. Using a 5" embroidery hoop as a template, I drew a curved edge on the front neck edge and on the bottom front of the gown. I then cut out the new pattern for the front and back along the red marks. I then lengthened the boy's sleeve pattern 1 1/2". I cut the bias band 1" wide and stitched it in place with a 1/4" seam, then on the wrong side, I turned under 1/4" and slip stitched it in place by hand. After the gown was completed, I then added the embroidery using a design from the pattern. This was a fun project for these cold winter evenings and will be a great gift for a January or February baby!

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