The preview copy of Sew Beautiful's Red, White and Blue issue came in the mail and what a fun issue it is! It is one of those issues that just makes you long for hot summer days.
Once again, it was a nice surprise when a recognized one of my patterns in the magazine. The precious dress on the left was made using pattern #12o. Details about the fabric and machine embroidery design for the yoke can be found in the magazine.
A special thank you to the seamstress who designed this dress and congratulations on appearing in the magazine!
While I was flipping through the magazine Anna pulled this out of the closet and said, "Gee Mom, why didn't you submit this?" An excellent question. Let's just call it lack of organization and leave it at that. This outfit is the boy version of pattern #120. Can't you just see Anna's little guy at the beach in this next year?
I agree with Anna - that outfit should have been included in the r/w/b issue of Sew Beautiful. I love the sand pail embroidery. The pattern is one of my favorites too. I love the way it frames those sweet baby faces. I'll be putting it on my list of things to make.
Do you have a girls pattern that would match in a size 4 or 5. I would love to make this for my son in 18 months and then my daughter will need it in 4 or 5 for 4th of July. Thanks so much!
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