Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Random Free Giveaway!

Time for a free giveaway! What is the occasion? Not a thing. I think that we just all need a little boost right now. And, what is the prize? One free pattern of YOUR choice!

The free giveaway theme is, "What is your favorite sewing tool?" Be creative. I know for many of you this may be your grandmother's pin cushion, your favorite music playing, or your cat nearby. My favorite is pictured above. It is my silver seam ripper from Martha Pullen Co. When I discovered a seam ripper that was in a pretty case, and could be hung from a ribbon, I heard angels sing!!!! No longer, would I be crawling around looking for my seam ripper because it had decided to hide under the couch!

So, here are the rules.

  • Post a comment, on this post only. No e-mails, please. And, you may only post once. Please leave your e-mail address with your post, so that I can contact the winner!

  • Tell us, what is your favorite sewing tool. You can hardly sew without it!

  • Your time to enter will end this Friday night at midnight.

I will draw a name Saturday morning. You can watch Saturday's post to see who the lucky winner is. I will then contact the winner, to find out which pattern (or the embroidery book) you would like. This will also give you time to see which pattern you would like to add to your stash!

For those of you who are "posting shy", it is now time to try something new! I, also, recently began to leave comments, and it is not that hard! :) Good luck!



JanetL said...

I love the pretty seam ripper. "Pretty ripper" only in sewing! I love the 6" ruler with the slide point. I seem to use a lot of tools.

Michie' Mooney said...

The 6" ruler is also one of my top 5 favorite things!

Mary O said...

I'm not surprised that I'm not the only one who loves my 6" ruler with the slide point! I'm in my sixties, and this is the first time to post, ever! Not so hard, after all!

Elisabeth Rose said...

My favorite sewing tool is my sewing machine! I have had it for one year and it does everything I ask of it! Machine embroidery (new to me), delicate French sewing, quilting, hemstitching, etc. It is a pleasure to use and I love being able to make special things for my family!

Susan K said...

My favorite tool is the needle threader. I have arrived at that golden age that effects your sight! It won't stop me! Thank goodness for needle threaders!

Emilee Odette Garrett said...

My favorite sewing tool is a pair of hemostats. I pilfered them from my husband's supply of medical tools and I find they are so helpful! I use them for pulling the tiniest bit of cording out at the end of bias piping, turning things right-side out, etc.

booharts said...

My scissors are my top sewing tool. Guard them with my life. Only cut fabric with them and use small scissors for cutting threads and etc.

Becky said...

I'm not sure this qualifies as a tool - certainly not as sweet as your little seam ripper - but I always have a roll of blue painter's tape in my sewing area. I use it for marking the seam allowance line on my sewing machine, for marking the wrong side of fabric as I cut it, and for picking off bits of thread when I've had to use my unexciting seam ripper in smocking. It's also a temporary hanger for patterns and pattern pieces on the wall beside me. I keep on finding uses for it.

Anonymous said...

My favorite sewing item is my light! It brightens up my sewing are and a gloomy day.

Nicole said...

My favorite tool is my blue marking pen....I use it constantly when sewing!

Debbie B said...

I'm echoing many of the others - i love that 6" ruler with the slide point (my favorite one to use is missing the slide point though), but my two favorite things when I'm hand sewing are grandmother's thimble (it fits me perfectly) and my maginfying light. Getting to where I can't see to sew well without it!

Samantha said...

I do love sewing tools and your seam ripper is so pretty! I recently had to replace my iron and was reminded what an important tool a good iron is when we are sewing.

shelly said...

That is my favorite sewing tool too! My iron! I love the look of a freshly pressed dress or outfit!!


Pam Marshall said...

Its a toss-up. 6-inch ruler and bamboo skewer.
But I love the ruler.
To mark with I lean to a lead pencil of all things.

Pam said...

I love my wooden "pounder" that has the point presser (for collars)on the other side. I use it for everything--especially to press open the seams for french seams.


lizzie said...

Well it is a tie...the 6 in ruler that goes everywhere I go BUT...also my scissors...you better not touch my scissors...MY son's girlfriend {now wife} once picked up my scissors..and my SON said..."I think you best put those down..no one touches my Mom's scissors..and if you want her to love you don't touch!!!too funny!!! Thanks Miche'

kr said...

My favorite is my needle case handmade by my friend. It has beautiful hand embroidered flowers all over it. I feel very feminine using the case and I am reminded of my dear friend.

sewmommy at windstream dot net

Emily M said...

My Gingher 5" craft scissors. The points are sharp and great for trimming and clipping. To encourage my daughters to sew, I gave each of them a pair for Christmas.

Cassie said...

My most treasured sewing tools are two silver thimbles. One belonged to my great-grandma that has my monogram (it was her first initital & my (married) last initial. The other has a Delft enameled band, and it came to me with quite a story attached; I think maybe the spirit of its former owner may be attached as well. I can't even thread a needle without one of them on my finger! And I also *must* have my sliding 6" seam guage. I'm keeping my eyes open for a vintage ones at an auction, because they are so much sturdier than the newer ones. "Mine" is almost 40 years old, and is kinda bent and in need of replacement.rcedson@embarqmail.com

Billie Kitchens said...

Well, the lure of a chance to win your book of embroidery has brought me to the world of blogging, my first entry ever. My favorite tool is an old pair of silver scissors that belonged to my mother. She was not a seamstress but did lots of sewing for the home long before it was fashionable. I’ve no idea their age. They sit in my sewing basket as a reminder of the times I watched her making curtains and a bedspread for my room or the time she attempted doll clothes. Pleasant memories all.

Laurie said...

I think my most favorite sewing tool is my 4" needlecraft KAI scissors! This brand of scissors is made in Japan and I think they are the sharpest pair of scissors I have ever used in my life. The point on these little buggers can be deadly - I have harpooned myself on several occasions, and even snipped into my hand with them, nearly needing stitches, but they still are my favorite! They are great for clipping seams, dangling threads, and cut open buttonholes in a breeze!

Unknown said...

My scissors are my favorite and I guard them with my life. I have a paper cutting fairy at my house and she loves my scissors also.

seamsgreat said...

My favorite sewing tool is a huge needle ( I think it is a carpet needle). I use it for turning points, Marking dots that I have to match up, and holding down gathers as I sew. ~Janet g

Tena said...

I love my edge/joining foot and use it on almost everything.
stand4good at aol dot com

Kris said...

My favorite sewing aid is my little measuring square. I have no idea if it has a real name but it is about 2 inches square and has every measurement I need and it's small and soooo useful. I have one in all my sewing bags and at every machine.

Karen said...

Thank you for the wonderful 'give-away! My favorite sewing tool is the same as many others: my 6 inch seam gauge with the sliding red point. I now have three of these because I panic if I can't find it! One resides in the travel embroidery box, one is on the ledge of the sewing machine, and one is on the cutting table.

zees5 said...

What a great giveaway Michie`! My favorite tool is my vintage 6" seam guide - it is so cute and strong - it is narrower than today's, all metal and a little thicker than other vintage ones.

I also love my curved gingher's (must have), my vintage "topless" brass thimble with cutter, the inside out 3 tube set, my silver stilleto and my Pfaff screen stylus with an eye in it to thread ribbon, elastic, string, etc. ~Page

Anonymous said...

well I read a lot of items and kept saying, yes, I love this or that but one of my very favorite things is my lint roller!!!
It keeps my cutting table and ironing board clean and helps get even the tinest specks off a fine piece of fabric that I can't always get with my fingrs!!

Silver Pansy Designs said...

So many of the things mentioned are good, but sewing became even more pleasurable when I discovered Wonder Tape. Just a tiny piece of it can hold a corner of fabric. I love it. Thanks for a wonderful giveaway! --Karen

ShirleyC said...

According to how many I have, it must be my pincushions. I still have the one that I started with when I first took a Home Ec. class in high school. I also can't do a thing with hand sewing without my thimble.

gmaofthree said...

I lost all my sewing things five years ago when our home was destroyed due to pesticide contamination. I remember not having a needle or scissors in those first weeks, so all my new tools seem wonderful! But I especially like the self-healing cutting mat with ruled markings and diagonal lines for bias. Having new twin granddaughters has given me the motivation to regather a stash!


Anonymous said...

The first thing I thought of was a quarter! I have to have a quarter in my pocket or sewing drawer so I can tighten or loosen the screw that holds the foot on my machine. The machine came with a neat little circular tool for that purpose, but I like the way the quarter works. Try it!

Gail Cofer

Cherished Treasures said...

How fun. I am already a follower of yours. My favorite sewing tool is a bamboo skewer can't do without it.

antcan said...

My favorite tool is a pointed skewer. It sometimes takes the place of my fat fingers when I need to hold something in place close to the presser foot. It also makes a nice groove for the needle to fall into on those little French seams and is wonderful starting an 1/8" seam.


AdronsCatherine said...

Haha! I have to agree that my bamboo skewer (and accompanying chopstick) is my favorite sewing tool!

Carolyn Upton Miller said...

I will havae to say my favorite is my magnetic pin holder. If you have ever dropped you streight pins on the floor,you will never be without one of these babies again. They are invaluable,plus I always lay my foot on it when I change feet on my machine, and I always know where it is without having to hunt for it.

Joanne said...

I, too, have nearly all the tools mentioned here, but I keep my double-eyed needle in sight at all times. It tucks in all those serger threads, slips narrow ribbon through beading, and so on. I am on my way to the tool chest to find a roll of painter's tape; that is a good idea too!

Annelle said...

Thank you for all of your wonderful patterns. My favorite tools are my sweet helpers- the grandbabies- little arms around my neck makes my stitching so much sweeter.
Blessings to your son- I ,too, have a son on his 5th deployment. Please tell your son thank you.

Kathleen said...

So many favorites to choose from!
A top contender would be my Simplex thingy, which is just great for spacing buttons and button holes. Thank you, Michie'!

Anonymous said...

I really love the needle threader. Saves the eyes. Although my fore finger is very close in thought since I can Put it in back of the needle and actually see the needle hole. Many of my senior friends finds this tip helps them also.

DawnB said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
DawnB said...

I have many favorites but I agree with Sara, the lint roller gets used a lot. Gets lint out of the groves in my rotary cutting board and works great on the ironing board. Wouldn't be without one !!
I forgot my email in the first comment englanddawn@comcast.net

Kelly said...

This was mentioned already, but I had to agree. My favorite sewing tool has to be my iron. It just makes everything so much easier when it's pressed and just makes things look better in general.

jane said...

I love the iron. Without this tool my beautiful Creations By Michie would be a mess.
Michie, thank you for the classes, patterens and wonderful advice we recieve from your Blog.
Alabama is blessed to have you son home again. Please thank him for his service to our great state of Alabama.

Unknown said...

My favorite is my sewing basket. It was my Mother's. It's tattered and worn, but it's worth a mint to me. Inside that basket is another favorite. My 6" ruler that is also so worn that the markings barely show. I use it when making bias bands and cording. It's the perfect size. I just wanted to say I am so glad I found your blog! I'm terribly homesick for Alabama and you have become one of my Alabama connections. Keep up the wonderful work you do. tazzer50316@yahoo.com

Suzanne said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Martha said...

I have been having a hard time deciding which sewing tool is my favorite. So it is a toss up between my iron, my bamboo skewer and my black Dovo scissors. I couldn't leave one out.

Cathy T said...

My absolute favorite tool would be my scissors. Not one pair but several, each used for a different purpose. Gingher 5 inch, Duck bill, bent trimmers, embroidery, etc. I love them all. Second is my thimble. Since I have begun using one, I simply can't do handwork without one. There are many others but these are my favorites because they do what I ask. Every time!

Cathy T. said...

Forgot to post my email with earlier post. c_tiemannatyahoo>com

Anonymous said...

I just got my first sewing machine in August, so my favorite tool is my seam ripper! I have a serious love/hate relationship with it!

shannoncarman at yahoo dot com

chelle said...

I have several things that I would say are a must have everytime I sit down at my sewing machine like my glasses (can't see up close without them), my Ott lite this has been one of the best presents that I have ever got, my beloved sewing machine, but when it comes to favorite it is hands down my gingher scissors for years I would just purchase cheaper scissors over and over till one christmas I recieved my gingher scissors and they have been the best scissors I have ever owned. luvtosew@bellsouth.net

Woma said...

I love my Hera Marker. It helps me turn under 1/4 (or smaller) inch hems. I just crease the fabric with the hera and it turns under so easily.

Rosa said...

I love my Tailor's Awl. It is wonderful to adjust smocking and hand stitches. I can't live without it.

Pat said...

I think my favorite tool would have to be my granddaughter. She has been sitting in my lap since she was 2 "and pushing buttons on my sewing machine when i told her to" now that she is bigger she sits beside me. My 2nd favorite tool would be my sewing friends who I can call when I need help.
hutchisonpat 1 at gmail.com

The Hilliard Family said...

I would have to say my favorite tool is my blue marking pen. I use it almost every time I sew. I love it!

Joan Burden said...

I have so many tools that I enjoy but if I had to choose one it would be my magnification glasses so I can see the embroidery work that I love to do.

Robin Hart said...

I found myself nodding and agreeing with just about every post. Love my silver seam ripper, love my blue marker, love my iron, love my sewing machine... but the one tool I cannot sew without these days is my computer. If I get stuck, there is a friend with the right answer waiting to respond, if I forget what it is we learned in class, someone is around that will remember and if I need inspiration I only need to read a few blogs and the inspiration comes. Well that and my dovo scissors... :) Do not ask which pair, as they all are special!

Babies and Bags said...

My favorite "tool" when I sit at my sewing machine is my great grandmother's sewing chair. I have that and a wardrobe she used to store her "stash". They are both over 100 years old. I can feel my great grandmothers sewing magic when I sit in her chair.

Jane said...

One of my favorite sewing tools is the 2 inch square of cutting mat with the cutting tool for opening up buttonholes. I use it for cutting slits for the magnetic snaps when making tote bags.

Dee Dee said...

My favorite tool for sewing is my ott light that stands on the floor and bends over my sewing machine. Can't get along without it nor see to sew either and now I have one that is foldable to take along when I go to "sit and sews".

Anonymous said...

I have that seam ripper too. I love it! Carol Harris introduced me to a hera marker at a class once. I use it to push gathers when I'm sewing, to mark pattern notches or to trace parts of a pattern when I'm too lazy to trace off the entire pattern, to help finger press a seam or to push out a corner seam right side out. I love this tool and could not live without it. -Kristen B.

clarianercf said...

My Favorite tool is my blue pen marker , I cant work without it.

Unknown said...

I love my double sided tape. I am able to use it to insert any size zipper with ease and accuracy. Most of the fabric stores only sell the 1/4 inch size but I was able to find the 1/8 inch size online. Love it!

Adrienne Ruth said...

I love my double sided tape. I am able to use it to insert any size zipper with ease and accuracy. Most of the fabric stores only sell the 1/4 inch size but I was able to find the 1/8 inch size online. Love it!


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