Rex and I were finally able to fly to Arizona and spend a week with baby Emma! I whole lot of rocking, feeding, snuggling, and admiring happened during the week. Emma is now almost 6 weeks old, weights close to 8 lbs. and is starting to act like a newborn.
During our visit we also enjoyed temperatures in the 70's
Sightseeing in Bisbee and Tombstone.
Beautiful views of the desert.
And time with Ben and Tiffany who we hadn't seen since last Christmas! Ben is our oldest son and Tiffany is the best daughter-in-law in the history of the world.
I even worked in a little shopping and bought a baby bracelet for Emma at my favorite shop in Tombstone.
Emma loved Grandda Rex! How were we able to stand to leave all of this behind and come home to Alabama where it was 32 degrees when we got off the plane?
Well, we were coming home to this......Anna and Jason will be telling us on Christmas Eve whether their baby is a boy or a girl! I promised not to ask ahead of time and so far I have kept my promise.
Wow! You are so very blessed! Babies are the best blessings in the whole wide world!!! Merry Christmas!
What a beauty! Isn't it just wonderful to be a Grandma? Merry Christmas to you and your lovely family.
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