Baby Bishop Details
Here are a few details about the "First Baby Dress." The fabric is white Imperial Batiste and I edged the sleeves with lace scraps from my stash. I usually do three rows of baby wave stitches on the sleeves.
I added the Madeira hem to add a little elegance to the dress. I drafted the scallops using my Lace Shaping board. Intending to have the Madeira hem turned to the inside of the dress, I goofed and it ended up on the outside! This happens more often than you would believe.... After experimenting with a few stitches I decided to leave the hem as it was and stitched the scallops in place using a simple Applique Stitch. It is a little plain compared to using a Pin Stitch, but is more in keeping with the older style dresses. I couldn't believe how fast it went using a simple stitch!
This also answers the question, can you still save money sewing? I don't count the cost of the pattern since I use them over and over, so the cost for the fabric and lace was barely over $10! If you have had the fabric and lace for over a year (which was the case here) you might want to consider the project FREE!
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