More Baby News!!!
Within 24 hours of Ben and Tiffany calling us to let us know that they will be a adopting a baby girl in December, Anna called to say, "Guess what! I'm pregnant!" She and Jason are thrilled beyond words and Rex and I are overwhelmed by the news. I think "Nana Shay" as I am being referred to, may need to go and lie down......
*For those of you who have been advising me to start a "Grandmother's Hope Chest", how right you were!
Exciting times for your family! Nothing sweeter than little cousins growing up together -- and clothed in special outfits by grandmother!
Funny how things work out - great news!
How wonderful. Take it from my recent experience, sew NOW like there is no tomorrow. Once the babies get here, you are too busy gazing to get any sewing done. Congratulations again.
We're so happy Anna and Jason will be having a baby not too long after ours. Anna and I are already having fun comparing notes.
That is wonderful news, and I'd have to lie down also. Enjoy your sewing time!
Wow! When those blessing come down it's a downpour sometimes! Congratulations!!! WendyinAZ
Happy Baby News twice! Our new baby granddaughter is 4 weeks old on friday and she is so sweet. As someone said,sew now, you will be too busy later!
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