Tuesday, September 28, 2010
Vacation Time
Friday, September 24, 2010
Vintage Dress Lesson 3
Tuesday, September 21, 2010
"Mom, Can You Do Me A Favor?"

Bring it? Are you kidding? I can still quote the whole thing! I did go out and purchase a new copy since I am not about to part with the one I read to my kids. If things go well I might even get to read it to the class!
Friday, September 17, 2010
Vintage Dress Lesson 2
I should have taken more pictures at this point, but I got excited that the sewing was going so well and forgot, so you will need to use your imagination......sorry about that! :) We now need to get rid of the Wonder Tape. Although it will rinse out in cold water, I chose to just pull it off by hand. I turned the garment to the wrong side and gently separated the bottom yoke edge that was "taped" to the skirt and pulled the Wonder Tape off. You will also see that the smocked top edge of the skirt extends into the armhole. Baste this extended edge of the skirt to the armhole edge and them trim away the excess fabric. On the wrong side, press the bottom yoke edge up toward the yoke.
You are now ready to continue sewing the dress. Stop when you get to the sleeves! For next weeks lesson we will redraft the sleeve.
Wednesday, September 15, 2010
The Pattern And I Are Both Vintage!

Tuesday, September 14, 2010
My New Favorite Toy
Friday, September 10, 2010
Vintage Dress Lesson 1
Wednesday, September 8, 2010
Revised Embroidery Book

All "Heirloom Embroidery Books" shipped from the website are now the new and improved version!
*Vintage Dress Lesson 1 will post this Friday!
Tuesday, September 7, 2010
More Baby News!!!
*For those of you who have been advising me to start a "Grandmother's Hope Chest", how right you were!
Sunday, September 5, 2010
Baby News!
Yesterday morning as a I Rex and I were starting our day of "Labor Day" yard work, I told him that I had the most vivid dream that Ben and Tiffany had been matched with a baby. I debated whether to call Tiffany and tell her. Having not ever been in her situation I didn't know if she would be encouraged (I am not known to have prophetic dreams) or would she just think I am plain crazy? While we do e-mail on a regular basis, with them in Arizona and us in Alabama our phone calls usually happen on Sundays. When our phone range about lunchtime on Saturday and I saw Ben's name on the caller ID, I almost couldn't answer it! I kept telling myself to calm down, he is probably just calling to talk football with his Dad. The call went like this, "Hi Mom........we're just hanging out and watching football.....and by the way, we have a match!" Good thing I was sitting down! Just like his Dad, he slowly began to give me information and a few details. I finally couldn't stand it anymore and told him to put Tiffany on the phone. I needed to hear major over the top excitement that only comes from the Mommy!
Baby is due December 1st, and let's just say that I don't have to worry that the quilt looks to "girly!"
We would appreciate your prayers for a healthy pregnancy and delivery and that all will go as planned.Michie'
Friday, September 3, 2010
Vintage Baby Dress