Didn't it turn out great? Working on the sign reminded us of all the other crafty things we enjoy besides sewing. So..........for this FREE Giveaway, we would like to know what other crafty/creative things do YOU enjoy?
To enter the drawing for a free copy of a "Creations By Michie'" pattern of your choice, leave a comment on this blog telling us "What other crafty/creative things do you enjoy doing besides sewing?"
The drawing will end at midnight on August 1st and the winner will be announced on August 2nd.
Good luck, and I am looking forward to reading your comments!
I enjoy scrapbooking with the computer. I've created a book for an engagement and want time to do more. Who decided 24 hours in a day were enough?
I enjoy scrap booking, card-making and digitizing designs! There is NEVER enough time to do all the crafty things I like to do!
Sewing is definitely the main one, but I dabble in making hairbows for the girls, scrapbooking when I have time, and home dec. type stuff.
I love making leaded stained glass. Once made an applique quilt block in stained glass as a gift for the teacher. She had to relocate after Katrina, this was her signature class project. Just have little time these days. Of course beading is fun. My mother got me started making rosaries as a child, which then lead to earring and bracelets. I still have her rosary pliers that I use for beading. Her favorite thing as she got older was to sit with me and make earrings. Fond memories.
Besides my love of fabric, I have a huge addiction to paper! I love stamping, it always gives me the feeling that I am an artist,that I can create beautiful pictures!
And it is a family activity as the kids love to participate and make amazing things!
I like to make things with my kids, which usually involves glue, fuzzy things, and construction paper. They really like to bake too, although I'm not sure it's crafting, since we are never really sure how the end result will end up looking, LOL.
Well sewing has always been my most favorite with Martha P as my long distance teacher. But other than sewing I am now learning to do fabric beading to use my fabric scraps and make coordinating and accent jewlery (necklace, bracelet & earings) to go with things I sew and for gifts. Love to find time and Quill. Yes roll up really small strips of paper and make cute things like heart shaped butterfly wings to put on gift enclosure cards. My newest is I have taught myself silk ribbon embroidery from watching You Tube videos. I make 5 spoke siper roses for my baby bonnets that I do a scalloped mafiera hem on in a contrasting color. Also love to sit and crochet simple single crochet preemie hats for NICUs. Never seems like I have a dull moment, but when I do I find a GOOD christian romance and crawl on my bed and loose myself in this good book until I am done. JUST AS RELAXING AS SEWING.!
I've done a little bit of several different crafts - painting, stamping, felting, making hairbows, card-making, beading, etc. Sewing is definitely my favorite and my passion!
Besides sewing I enjoy knitting .... and crocheting. A. Lot. I have a huge yarn stash that rivals my fabric stash. And I take left over sock yarn and embellish my knitted sweaters with rustic folk art type designs that I embroider. It's fun. And I smock. Well, that's sewing. I love to sew. What more can I say.
I enjoy knitting and water color painting.
Kathleen - can't find my user name on Google!
If you were ever in my craft room you would say I love EVERYTHING! All spread out and unfinished! LOL I love to sew,quilt, knit, crochet and smock! But right this minute I'm quilting for Christmas!I'm making all 4 our my grown children a quilt!
Besides the various types of sewing, I love photography. My hubby jokes that every time we got a new camera, we had a baby. Well, I have a new digital SLR and a new baby boy to take pictures of! I've had a ball dressing him in his heirloom clothing and taking lots of pictures. It's a good combination of interests!
I love to knit baby booties and prayer shawls. Scrapbooking is fun too! -- Karen
I do bento. It started with trying to get nutritious meals for the kids and has become another artistic pursuit. I love to make them cute lunches that they enthusiastically eat.
I enjoy counted cross stitch and machine embroidery. I like to garden and refinish furniture also.
So many crafts so little time. I have to say I'm a fiber addict. Besides being a member of the Ye who dies with the most fabric wins club, I also belong to the never enough yarn club. Knitting is my other hobby
I enjoy sewing the most and although I have a top of the line machine that does almost everything at the push of a button, I still enjoy lots of handwork (even hemming and sewing on buttons!) I also enjoy scrapbooking and taking LOTS of pictures of my kids. One of my most favorite crafty things we do is every year my children hand make their valentine cards for their school friends!
Is there anything I DON'T like? Currently, I have an altered Altoids tin in the works. The top has my initial embroidered on the top. Boy, did I struggle with those bullions.
What a cute sign!!!
I also do digital scrapbooking, as well as knitting, crocheting, bow making, woodworking, and a tiny bit of jewelry making ;o)
Currently, with five children ... I don't know. I've always loved reading. I like to make little things here and there, but none of them would qualify as a craft. I guess I need to "find" myself. :)
Your sign was adorable.
Love cross stitching, embroidery, digital scrapbooking, reading, cooking. These days I love sewing for our 14 month old grandgirl best. I'm going to have to get more patterns as she grows, she's almost out of the 'infant-sized' patterns already!
I also LOVE some furniture rehab. A little spray paint can go a long way! It's so rewarding to pick up something at a yard sale for a few bucks and then turn it into something awesome.
I love sewing, but crafting is a close 2nd. I love going to craft shows and seeing things that I like and seeing how I can change it and do it my way. I recently took an old window frame (from a flea market) and busted out the windows, so I had just the frame left. I painted it and then added some glaze to some brown paint and made it look really destressed. Now I am going to hand some pictures from ribbon in the openings. I also love to scrapbook with some leftover lace, or whatever I had left over from the dress and add it to a page that the dress is pictured on.
I like to knit, scrapbook, and make jewelry. I actually love anything that I can make by hand!
Sewing is #1 for me!
This summer I planted a "cutting garden". I have enjoyed arranging the flowers and keep them next to my kitchen sink. They brighten up my day!
MY first passion is sewing and smocking, I have been doing it since I was a young teenager. When I am not sewing i love to make crafts and read, especially Nicholas Sparks. My youngest daughter has the crafting and sewing gene, we are currently working on a "collection" for her "future" children.
I like to try it all! Sewing is my first love. I do like scrapbooking, quilling and other paper crafts. Crocheting and tatting are my favorite take along things to do.
I do: * stained glass * cake decorating * build bookcases and shelves * (can you ever have enough of either?) garden * read * teach most of the above *
from Sparkle
How creative Anna is. The sign is just beautiful! Most of the crafts I enjoy always involve a needle -- quilting (by hand), smocking, counted cross stitch, crocheting, crewel work, embroidery. The actual sewing or construction of a garment is usually my least favorite. But with your patterns it's even fun putting them together! Keep creating new ones for us to make for our loved ones!
Oh I have so many hobbies. Knitting, scrap booking, beading, and gifts for my 9 year old secret friend.
I hope I have time when I retire to do them all!
WOW! After reading all the other comments, I think we have a lot of very busy ladies. I'm getting back into smocking and sewing. After all, I have my first grandchild on the way. Michie, you have inspired me to try knitting. I'm actually making a simple baby blanket. (Wish me luck) I am also an avid scrapbooker.
Love the sign. I Might just have to make one for my store. ;-)
I have recently been experimenting with altered art and my computers print shop. Also like decorative painting and making silk floral wreaths and decorative accent pieces. But, Heirloom Sewing and Smocking is my hands down favorite passtime.
Best wishes, Carol
I love jewelry making, crocheting, and photography. Just wish I had more time, but then, don't we all!
Like so many others sewing is my first love. When mom passed away I got elected to pick up her love of crochet (which she taught me many years ago) and make sure every new baby in the family had a hand made blanket. And so I do. I also love photography. So much can be captured through the eye of the lens.
I would have to say cooking. I do enjoy knitting too, but would rather sew and smock.
I love to smock, but I think that would be included under the classification "sewing". Other than smocking, my other hobbies are not very crafty. Is baking considered a crafty hobby?
I like to crochet. Usually small items like a bookmark or blanket edgings.
I love to knit, crochet and sew anything. Embroidery and smocking are my main passions. I just love handwork of any kind and take my sewing bag everywhere with me.
I love anything that says "craft". I crochet, do a little knitting, tole or folk painting, currently teaching myself to needle tat, made some glass tile necklaces, embroider and smock.
I like to quilt, and cross-stitching.
I love to bake fresh fruit muffins! I often share my "small bits of cake" with family and friends outside my home so I can get their opinions on which muffins are the best! I mix up the recipes so the muffins are always new and different. My family loves eating a fresh, warm muffin in the morning but they are used to getting a great start to their day. I also love the smells coming from my New England kitchen!
I love to bake cakes so that my six year old grandson can decorate them for family birthdays. We started this tradition for my birthday about a year and a half ago. Gita
I lik to made cards. My daughter takes pictures, and we print them and mount them on blank cards. We enjoy the teamwork!
I recently started knitting and crocheting again. I love the feel of the yarn and creating things for our granddaughter. My only complaint? So many projects, so little time!
I enjoy knitting as well as all kinds of sewing, I also spend too much time reading blogs! Claire A.
I have a special friend that I like to sew and craft with. When I go to her house, she lets me use her Cricut machine to cut out cute letters. I place them on vinyl bags or glassware.
After years of taking photos with the "auto" setting on my camera, I am learning to use my camera in the manual mode. I've been sewing since I was a little girl, but I know that as we get older, it's important to try and learn new things, and "exercise" our brain"! This is very challenging and difficult, but I'm determined to be able to take good photos of my grandchildren, in creative ways, without doing it "automatically"! They say you're "never too old to learn" - well, we'll see!
I like to take photos of bugs and flowers.
I like to take photos of bugs and flowers.
I enjoy crocheting, hand-embroidery, smocking, faggoting, Carrickmacross lace, Battemberg lace and bobbin lace...
I paint and decorate our house, remove tile from bathrooms, remove parquet and vinyl flooring (remodel), draw my children, make fabric flowers, knit, crochet, embroider (thanks to you Miche), build lego or other building toys with my son. There's not nearly enough time for all the projects I have swimming around in my head. I love hand embroidery the best! I wish I had more time (: ~Page
Sewing is my first passion. I also love to crochet. I have been enjoying crocheting edgings on baby socks. I have so many things I would love to learn to do but am busy being mom and taxi driver!
Sue Lavell
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