Sunday, January 29, 2012

Grandda's Hat

Just for fun, I thought that I would share a few of my favorite pictures from our Arizona trip. They are especially fun to look at right now and remember how fabulous the weather was! While we were there an intense search was launched to find Rex a really cool western style hat that would also look good in Alabama. Finally we found exactly what he was looking for.

Our sweet girl was especially impressed by Grandda's new hat. She needed to touch it......

taste it.........
and wear it!

We have discovered that she is not the only woman attracted to his hat. We had barely sat down on the airplane to come home when the woman next Rex complimented his hat. Since we have been home on numerous occasions Rex has come home to tell me, " Another woman commented on my hat!" Anna's explanation is that the hat says, "I'm a risk taker and wear what I like."

What do I say? " The hat and the wedding ring always leave the house together!"

*Emma's outfit is made by pattern #103 and featured in a previous blog.



  1. You married a fashionable guy. Your granddaughter already knows that. Do you make her dress? Do we get to see more of it?

  2. There's nothing more touching than Grandpa holding his sweet baby granddaughter wearing a lovely dress!
