Thursday, July 11, 2013


Do you remember clothespins? Do you still have a few tucked away just in case.  When I was a young wife and mommy in the late 1970s, if your house was more than 15 years old, it probably had a clothesline in the backyard.  I loved hanging out sheets, towels and diapers.  Lots and lots of diapers!  I had a clothes drier, but used the clothesline as a reason to be outside a little more, and loved the fresh air smell that lingered on everything.  I've always regretted that a camera wasn't handy the day I spotted one of our little guys standing under the clothesline, holding onto the end of his blanket with his thumb in his mouth. It was getting a little too close to nap time. :)



  1. I too loved hanging sheets and diapers out in the sun. Not a fan of crunchy towels. :) I loved the smell of sunshine in the linen closet. In Europe, the practice of hanging laundry out to dry is still common. And less expensive. Diapers always came out whiter after an afternoon in the sun.

  2. I still dry all of my laundry out on the line. I even dry my towels. I like the brisk rub down they give with the roughness off of the line. I also used to love hanging diapers on the line, and then smelling them as I folded them. So clean and fresh. And Sheets, getting into a bed once a week with fresh sheets.
