Saturday, December 3, 2011

The Christmas Dress

Emma is a petite little thing, wearing a size 12 month for her first birthday, so I decided that she needed a simple dress. And I also wanted a dress that would last past the holidays. Considering that this is the dress that I was working on when I had my little accident, and it got mailed a week later than I intended, that ended up being a good plan!

The dress is made out of red micro check gingham using pattern #135 and is smocked with a simple design that reminded me of snowflakes. I smocked the dress while in Arizona and did a few test stitches to make sure that Emma's mommy liked the design. The girls in the family are not picky, but I do try to make sure that I am making things that they like! :)

I made up the smocking design as I went along and about half way through I realized that it is almost identical to a dress that I made last year. How is that for originality? You can click here for the Free Design. But this was a good way to show how the design looks on a different fabric.

Christian's Christmas outfit is made out of the same red fabric and will hopefully be finished this weekend! Being in a cast is really slowing down the sewing process

*Answering a couple of questions..... A reader asked about the number of rows that I Back Smocked for Emma's fall dress. It is not necessary to Back Smock behind the purple geometric smocking.



  1. Michie,

    I love it!! My kind of sweet, little girl Christmas dress. Thank you for generously sharing your design. :) Darby

  2. The Christmas Dress is lovely. I'm finishing a bishop for my 7 month old granddaughter. Do you have any suggestions for measuring the hem so that it doesn't rise under the arms? Merry Christmas!
