Tuesday, September 21, 2010

"Mom, Can You Do Me A Favor?"

All 4 kids are grown and have been on their own for a few years, so I rarely get request for help anymore. I love that they all have good educations, good jobs, and can handle everything themselves. Our third son, teaches English in South Korea, so he occasionally has something come up that he needs me to check on from here. Over the years this has ranged from medical advise to travel Visa information. So, my heart skipped a beat as I opened his e-mail and thought, "What now?" Imagine my relief when I read........

"Can you bring a copy of "And To Think That I Saw It On Mulberry Street" when you come? We don't have it in the library and I know the kids will love it!

Bring it? Are you kidding? I can still quote the whole thing! I did go out and purchase a new copy since I am not about to part with the one I read to my kids. If things go well I might even get to read it to the class!



  1. Are you going to Korea? What city? I am currently living here. Did you know that Seoul has one of the biggest fabric markets in the world. (I haven't made it there yet - boo hoo.)

  2. Just tickles my heart to hear a request like that! You must be smiling from ear to ear!
    We missed that Dr. Seuss book, but I can still quote many others by memory. Have a wonderful and safe trip!

  3. Such a wonderful request...bring a book! Just spent 2 days with the Grands and Emma (4) has started keeping track of which books I read and how many. As we left she said..."Nana, you only read me nine books!" Like you, I don't part with special books. Have a saft trip!

  4. Michie, did you know there is Dr. Suess quilt fabric available? I saw it at a quilt store last Sat. and it is really cute.

  5. HA! Anonymous,
    The new Dr. Seuss fabric was my first thought reading this blog post. :)
