Monday, March 2, 2015

Button Organization

In my ever ending attempt to organize my buttons in a manner that keeps them grouped together leading to, "wow, here are the right buttons for the right project" I am trying small zip bags.  The little bags are intended for jewelry making and came packaged as 100 for $1.99.  Now, instead of a drawer of loose buttons and partly used cards of buttons, they are in the bags with color groups pinned together.  I find it a bit exciting to open the drawer and be able to tell, in just a few seconds, if I already have appropriate buttons on hand for my latest project.

I know you are wondering who on earth has time to sit and sort buttons!  Well, it is snowing hard, which is unusual for our area, so I found this to be a good project to work on while also being able to sit in front of the window watching the formation of a winter wonderland!  :)



  1. I remember many fun afternoons playing with my Grandmother's button box when I was a girl. How easily we were entertained.

  2. Arlene, I remember playing in my mother's button box, too! One of my fondest memories... playing with my mother's buttons and sewing machine notions while she sewed for my sisters and me. Life was simple.

  3. I used the small ziplock bag system for several years. Somehow, my button stash never stays organized! Maybe I should have spent our snow days sorting buttons! Hope sunshine and Spring reaches all of us soon!
