Thursday, September 18, 2014

Fabric Organization

I like to give my studio space a bit of cleaning and organizing at the beginning of each season.  I have taken the time over the last few weeks to tackle the fabric storage problem.  I have kept fabric folded on shelves or baskets for years, but find that some good pieces can get lost in the stack.  

I have been wanting to try the hanging file method for quite some time and am thrilled with the results.  Not only is it neat and tidy, I even found some fabric that I had forgotten about!  

There was just enough twill frog fabric for a jumper for my granddaughter.  Frogs just happens to be the theme of her classroom this year!

What you need

*A hanging file box 
*Hanging file folders (I cut the folder part off of the metal support)
*Neatly press each piece of fabric.  Not necessary!  Fold the fabric to the size of a hanging file and drape over the metal support.

I now have four boxes of neatly displayed fabric sitting neatly on the shelves.


1 comment:

  1. I like this idea!! only question much fabric really fits?? yardage or 'pieces'??
