Saturday, September 27, 2014

Fall Sewing

I've pulled out corduroy, twills, and cotton prints and am frantically sewing for the grandchildren in anticipation of cooler weather.  Yes, I tend to wait until the last minute.  My excuse .... what if they grow some more?


Thursday, September 18, 2014

Fabric Organization

I like to give my studio space a bit of cleaning and organizing at the beginning of each season.  I have taken the time over the last few weeks to tackle the fabric storage problem.  I have kept fabric folded on shelves or baskets for years, but find that some good pieces can get lost in the stack.  

I have been wanting to try the hanging file method for quite some time and am thrilled with the results.  Not only is it neat and tidy, I even found some fabric that I had forgotten about!  

There was just enough twill frog fabric for a jumper for my granddaughter.  Frogs just happens to be the theme of her classroom this year!

What you need

*A hanging file box 
*Hanging file folders (I cut the folder part off of the metal support)
*Neatly press each piece of fabric.  Not necessary!  Fold the fabric to the size of a hanging file and drape over the metal support.

I now have four boxes of neatly displayed fabric sitting neatly on the shelves.


Thursday, September 4, 2014

Matching Plaids

I have always loved sewing with plaids.  Just a few things need to be kept in mind in order to have a successful sewing experience.  First of all, take a close look at the pattern of the fabric.  The way the fabric is pictured the white stripe is below the small blue stripe. Because of this, the top of all the pattern pieces should be going in the same direction.  This is called a one-directional plaid.

I like to prepare the pattern pieces using a ruler and marker and extending the grain line on the pattern piece.  Next, draw a line perpendicular to the grain line.   It does not matter at which point the lines intersect.  Pin the pattern piece to one layer of fabric and cut out.  Flip the pattern piece face down, lining up the marked lines as first piece and cut out. 
We are now ready to pin and sew.  Right sides together, carefully match the fabric stripes and pin through both layers.  Use plenty of pins and stitch the seam, occasionally peeking between the layers as you go along to make sure that the fabric isn't shifting.  You now have a plaid garment with matched plaids!