Monday, April 28, 2014

Angel Sleeve Turtorial

Smocked bishop dresses are so forgiving in size, that it was not a big surprise that they still fit this year.  Bright yellow gingham, sleeves trimmed with pink rick rack, and smocked with Ellen McCarn's "Tulip Garden" made a lovely summer dress.

Angel sleeves are an easy variation to a bishop dress.  Click here for the free down loadable instructions.



  1. I added angel sleeves to many of the dresses I smocked just because it was easier!! And as ususal E is a perfect model for you!!

  2. Cute! I always do an angel sleeve it is easiest for me. I love the bright yellow and pink

  3. Thank you! I love your bishop pattern and just happened to be searching on how to angel sleeves. Perfect timing!

  4. Thank you, thank you! Love your pattern and was muddling through the nonexistent or confusing instructions of other pattern companies!
