Friday, October 5, 2012

Pink and Ecru Daygown

And here is the girl's version of pattern #125.  Made out of pink and ecru handkerchief linen, the bottom of the daygown is finished with a scalloped Madeira hem.  The pattern and instructions are included in the pattern for the Madeira hem.  Madeira trim adds so much to a garment without the cost of expensive laces.

A pink neckband out of pink and edged with purchased tatting, tiny tucks and hand embroidery finishes the daygown off.



  1. I love this! Once I get done with the Madrigal costume I am making for a friend's son, back to finishing up all those class projects:)

  2. another lovely creation! Please keep them coming :)

  3. Michie',
    This dress is truly lovely. What beautiful work.
