Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Smocked Baby Owls

I did plan ahead and purchased plenty of navy Imperial Broadcloth and Little Memories smocking plate "What a Hoot" for outfits for Fall.  But once again Fall was almost here before the outfits were finished.  If any of you are really good at seasonal sewing ahead of time, I sure would like to know your secret! 

The boy's outfit is made using pattern #134.  I only wanted 6 rows of smocking so I only used the smaller baby owls from the smocking plate and adapted the branch that they are sitting on.

The dress is made from pattern #135 with 7 rows of smocking so once again only the baby owls were used.  Although the smocking plate is not designed for a bishop style dress, the owls worked out great with the right combination of stitches for them to sit on.

I did find that after completing the smocking on one outfit, turning around and starting the second while I still had visions of little owls in my head was extremely easy!  

White rickrack edges the sleeves and a couple of rows of smocked baby waves add a touch of color to the sleeves.

I would have loved to have a picture of the kids in their matching outfits, but we call that "Herding Cats" around here!



  1. I herd cats at my house too Michie....I have yet to get a good photo of all four of my grands. Love the owls....

  2. Love these! Nothing is sweeter than classic styles.

  3. The outfits you make are always just perfect! Lucky little grandbabies! <3
