Saturday, May 26, 2012

A Pleating Question Answered

It sounds like the last blog has quite a few of you all ready to sew gingham bishops!  And so there were a few pleating questions that have been sent my way.  The most frequently asked question about this bishop was, "How on earth did you keep the little gingham checks straight while pleating?"  And here is the answer, "I didn't!"  I thought about it for a while (about 2 minutes) and chose to let the fabric do it's own thing and embrace the ripply effect that I would end up with.  Besides, the blue fabric does represent water and my flamingos were not in the mood for perfectly calm water!  :)  *The ripply effect is the dark and light uneven patches of color that you see between the flamingos.  

And with that being said, I DO care about pleating straight if I am pleating larger checks and plaids.  I will try to work that into a blog in the very near future.  I know that we have had a shortage of tutorials lately, but as long as Emma is using Nana Shay's office as her bedroom (2 more weeks to go) not only is my time short, I'm also little too distracted for the creative juices to flow!  Right now, I am having fantasies of getting to sit and sew for an entire day.  I'll let you know if that dream ever comes true!  LOL


1 comment:

  1. You are doing what we all would love to do - and it ain't smocking! A wise woman told me long ago that the Lord would show me the right thing at the right time. Have fun.
