Tuesday, May 1, 2012

I'm Glad That Someone Is Getting To Sew!

 Although I am not having time to sew at the moment....I'm glad someone is!  These cute pictures can be found at http://mommysapronstrings.blogspot.com/  I love what she did with pattern #110.

And most of all I love what she did with the fabric.  Great work!

What am I doing these days that could possibly more important than sewing?  Well.....one of the blog readers commented that I sounded "real" when I posted about the Easter sewing rush.  My life is more than a little "real" right now.  My office/sewing room has become sweet Emma's bedroom while she, Mommy, and Daddy stay with us while waiting for their new house just 5 minutes from us instead of in Arizona!  No complaints here, I get to see her little face and visit with Mommy and Daddy everyday!  Next, Daniel is home for a couple of weeks before heading back to South Korea, so a whole lot of visiting and catching up is going on.  

And last and most importantly, we are still dealing with Rex's health issue.  I am actually writing this from a hotel room in downtown Nashville, so we can be at the clinic first thing in the morning for a 3 to 6 hour memory test.  A 2 hour drive here, a little shopping on the way, and I mean a little, he didn't last long at the mall. I then found the clinic, found the hotel, found a restaurant for dinner, and now I am just glad to be back in the room.  I expect a long morning then the drive back home, where I will drive and he will sleep.  I made sure to bring plenty of good CDs to listen to on the way home this time!  We will not know anything until the end of the month, we are getting really good at waiting, and are praying for results that will move us forward.  Right now going back to work doesn't seem likely, but he is having more good days, is able to play a few family games with us, and Emma thinks that Grandda is the only one who can read her favorite book to her.  The last 3 months have been long and hard as we try to adjust to our new normal, but we are confident that God will continue with us on this journey.



  1. God is with us what ever comes our way. It is a wonderful blessing.

  2. Praying for answers for you and Rex. So glad that you have Miss Emma and her parents with you as you go thorugh all of this!

  3. Michie,
    Thinking of you this evening. May you feel the comfort of God's healing hand, and may you all find the answers you need.

    Blessings, Darby

  4. Michie, Thank you for featuring my outfit and inspiring it in the first place! I hope all goes well for you and Rex and that the doctors are able to help. Keep enjoying those sweet little Grands!!

  5. God will be with your through everything. I will be praying you, especially today, that everything will go well. I work here at Vanderbilt, and I wish you well.

  6. I am returning to smocking and heirloom sewing after 20 years as I await the birth of my first grandbaby - a girl. I love your patterns, ideas, and blog. Thanks for sharing your inspiration with us as well as your life - celebrations and difficult times. You and your family are in my prayers as you await the test results of your husband.

  7. Prayers and Hugs are sent to all of you. Who knew that spring would be the waiting game for all of us. But spring is about new growth and we are praying for that everyday for Rex and all of you. God is good as you all know and trust.
