Thursday, May 31, 2012

Hey Grandda!

"Hey Grandda, I've got big boy flip flops on!  I can walk in them and Uncle Dan bought them for me when I was a baby, which I'm not now!"

Hey Grandda, I'm on my way for my first haircut.  Will it hurt and most importantly will everyone still think that I'm cute?"

And how is Grandda Rex doing?  Well, we are in Nashville having just finished with the follow up Neurologist appointment.  All the test are in and the diagnosis is stroke damage from vascular disease.  It is amazing he is doing as well as he is with the damage that the test show.  Seeing the actual MRI helped me understand what is going on with his memory and why he is just not himself and hard to get along with some days.  Medication is being adjusted, rehab has been recommended, and he now understands that he will not be going back to work or driving.  But, he does have the okay from the doctor to mow our small yard, so he is a happy man!  Glad he has his priorities straight!  LOL  Not to make light of this, it is very hard some days.  We are adjusting to so many changes, not only in our lifestyle, but also in our marriage.  At the end of the day I am pretty exhausted from needing such a high level of patience and he is exhausted from trying to be nicer than he feels.  It is amazing how God renews us to face the next day.  I am also blessed beyond words that I am married to such an easy to get along with guy!

*I will be writing nothing about Rex's condition or our adjustments without his permission.  We both feel the need to occasionally share how God is helping us on our new journey.  




  1. We have some very dear friends who have gone through this for 3+ years. Praying for more very good days for you.

  2. I am glad you are getting some answers, even if they are not the ones you hope for. Prayers will continue for all of you. From these pictures it looks like those grandbabies are very therapeutic:)

  3. May God's strength and peace be with you.

  4. I am happy for you both that you both know now more about your husband's health. It makes me proud to live here in Nashville and know that the city can help so many. If you ever need help here, please do not hesitate to contact me at I enjoy your patterns, your web site, and your blog so much. Much Luck, Judy.

  5. Those vows in sickness and health sometimes take on a whole new meaning, when we least expect it. You and Rex will be an inspiration and example of God's unfailing grace to many. I am so sorry the test results were difficult to receive, but grateful you now have answers to help with treatment. You remain in my heart and prayers.
    Hope that little guy's haircut went well today. And yes, he will always be cute!

  6. Rex looks very relaxed and happy with grandson sitting on his knee. Amazing how the little ones can cheer you up.

  7. I will continue to pray for you and Rex as you continue this journey. God has a way of getting us through the most difficult days. Treasure the good moments, and continue to hug those babies and your sweet husband.
