Wednesday, February 8, 2012

New Pattern?

Many of you are asking,"Where is the new pattern that we are seeing in the latest issue of Sew Beautiful Magazine?" Well, it should be on the website and ready to ship on Monday! Sometimes life interrupts and things just get off schedule.

I have hesitated to share, hoping things would be back to normal by now, but our reality now is that a spilt coffee was our first sign that all was not well with Rex. After weeks of doctors visits and tests, we are still waiting for answers while he remains dizzy and at home. Thank you for your prayers as we wait for answers.



  1. Your new pattern is adorable! And, the photograph is beyond darling of your precious grandson.

    I will add Rex to my prayer list . . . it know that you are worried about him.

  2. Michie, prayers for Rex as you travel down the road of uncertainty. I wish you both all good reports. Friend of mine says it well: 'growing old isn't for sissies'. [NOT that we are old...but isn't as easy as it used to be...]

    Looking forward to the new pattern...I need to get my business up and going again...Karin

  3. I hope you receive answers soon and that all is well. I love seeing your blog and the grand babies as they grow. Life is always more important but it sure is nice to have the fun distractions at times!

  4. I'll be praying for Rex. Uncertainty is always a bit unnerving and perplexing!!!! I hope you get some answers soon!!!

    The outfit is precious and your grandson is just one of the most beautiful babies I have ever seen. He is adorable!!!

  5. Always wonderful to see new patterns from you!
    I will be keeping you and Rex in my prayers.
