Thursday, November 24, 2011

The Sewing Mishap....

I'm calling it the "Sewing Mishap" since it is the results of getting really really excited that I had completed the smocking and hem and Emma's Christmas dress and all it lacks are buttons. In my excitement, I got up off the couch not paying attention to the fact that my foot was partially asleep. With my hands full of sewing supplies I had no way of catching myself so we made an evening run to the ER where they kept asking, "Can you put weight on it?" Were they kidding? Why would I want to put weight on a foot that was swelling that fast? Other people in the ER were even commenting on the amount of swelling. Our visit resulted in a bandage, crutches, and visit to the orthopedic doctor the next day where they diagnosed the worse sprained ankle in the history of the world. The good news is that I no longer need the crutches which were an accident waiting to happen. The bad news is that I am in a hard cast for two weeks. What fun!!! :)

So, please bear with me, between the two week vacation and the cast it might seem like I am no longer sewing and sharing. I am now home, not needing the pain meds as often today, and have plenty of pictures and ideas to post and share over the next few weeks.

What am I thankful for this year? Besides all the special things that are too numerous to mention, I am thankful that the cast is for only two weeks and that Thanksgiving dinner was not at my house this year!



  1. michie, i am so sorry to hear about your mishap! i guess it will give you time to reflect on your visit to AZ and smock or embroidery some more? glad you enjoyed your trip...did christian grow a foot while you were gone? can i do something for you?
    gail cofer

  2. Thank goodness it's just a sprain! Hope you feel better soon!

  3. Oh gosh! That makes me hurt! I'm glad it's not any worse.
    My son stepped in a hidden hole the other day and really hurt his knee.
    I hope it heals fast. You and him!

  4. So very sorry to hear about your accident. Who would have thought that a sleepy foot could cause such damage!!

  5. Ouch! Hope you are better soon. I love your great sewing blog. You are so sweet to share such beautiful sewing.

  6. Oh no! I hope you mend quickly. The holidays are fraught with danger. :) Happy Thanksgiving

  7. So sorry to hear of the painful incident. Wishing you swift healing and no more sewing mishaps! Can't wait to see Emma's sweet Christmas dress!
