Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Random Free Giveaway!

When do you find time to sew? I want to know! Do you sew early in the morning or late at night? Do you sew during nap time or while supper is cooking? Do you work in long sewing sessions or do you sew in snatches? I have done all of the above and then some except for that late night thing. Right now Saturday football is a great time for me to sew! He had much rather me be sewing than saying, "You mean there are 3 important games back to back! How can they all be important?"

So, let's have a little giveaway. Leave a comment on this blog about when you find time to sew, and I will pick two random winners this Saturday night (during the ball game of course) to win a free pattern or book of your choice! Be sure to leave your email address with your comment so that I can contact you when you win.



  1. I don't find a lot of time to sew of late because I spend a lot of time looking at sites on the internet looking for patterns of things that I would love to make for my future grandchild. You do such beautiful work and I love your patterns. I only just found your sight a little bit ago and I noticed a comment about Alabama that caught my eye because I'm from Alabama.

    Judy K.

  2. I also find it hard to find time to sew. I am now retired with grandchildren and no babies at home and yet I sewed more when I had my young children! It seemed easy to sneak some sewing into the late night hours or at nap time. How efficient I was! We are building but I do take out my sewing machine and get to sew, which is like Christmas for me, in the bungalow (garage). No room in house yet. Since moving I have made a muumuu and am working on a sundress and dolly matching outfit for my granddaughter who will be visiting during her birthday.

  3. My husband is in a grad program two nights a week and has a lot of homework. I sew when he is gone, on Saturday and sometimes on Sunday afternoons.


  4. I get some lovely me time daily atleast for an hour in the morning ...and i love to enjoy that lovely time in my needlecraft room...i sew, or do cross stitch or do crochet during that time...thank you for this lovely giveaway...please add me for the draw

  5. I try to sew in little snippets throughout the day when the little ones are napping or finally down for the night. It never seems like enough, but I do enjoy the time that I get to escape to my sewing room.

  6. I sew during nap time - and in the hour between the girls' bedtime and mine. I usually have about two hours if I've finished everything else that needs to be done around the house.

    However, when my husband is home? I rarely do any sewing.

  7. forgot my address: griswold.cindy@gmail.com

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. I also like to sew during the "important" football games!! When our children were little, They both napped after lunch, so I could have some time to sew, bake or whatever. It doesn't seem like that long ago, but the "children" are now 27 and 28.

  10. I try to sew when my 4 year old is sleeping. He tries to help otherwise! Lately my schedule is so hectic, when I made out my printed daily schedule, I actually scheduled in time for me to sew!

    That way I have something to look forward to after all of my chores!

    ambernpetty @ yahoo.com

  11. I am obsessed with creating and must admit I lay in bed dreaming up things. I pretend watch football while dreaming more up or doing handwork and I also may or may not get side tracked while sewing one thing and moving onto the next dreamed up project before finishing the one I am currently sewing! I am obsessed with your blog...I poach in anticipation of your next post! haha
    I have 3 grown daughters that I sewed for at all hours...I admit I just let the house GO. When my husband walked through the door with that look "where is my dinner" I would respond with "look, isn't this sooo cute?" Now, I have a grandson and another on the way that I sew for and it is easier to find time to sew.
    Rachel rarieves@gmail.com

  12. I usually wait until naptime for the kiddos or late at night...but not too late to try to do some sewing. And I usually do it in little surges. I'll sew like that for a week and then not again for another few weeks!

  13. I'm not sure if my e-mail was attached to my comment... plaidjenn (at) yahoo (dot) com

  14. I sew for a half hour in the morning and another hour or so in the evening when the family watches our Netflix episode. I also sew on Sundays.

  15. I like to sew on Sunday afternoons and occasionally I can sew on one or two afternoons during the week. I would love a new pattern! My email address is apmaddux@yahoo.com. Thanks,Angela

  16. I usually sew on Sunday afternoons but here lately, I've been having trouble sleeping so I get up and sew during the night until I get drowsy. Its amazing how much I'm getting done! Good thing since I have a nephew due in 6 weeks and a grandbaby due in April :-)


  17. With a farm and seven children, sewing seems to take the back burner. However is seem to manage small amounts of time most days, to get something sewn. I also like to plan ahead and make an appointment with myself to have an afternoon of just sewing. That said I have four outfits smocked, but getting to sewing them up is a challenge.

  18. I do my machine sewing during the day and smock at night before I go to bed. It helps me to relax. Now that football is here - there's nothing better than sitting on the couch with my husband all day Saturday watching football and smocking an entire dress.

  19. I may have about 30 minutes between when my daughter goes to bed and I go to bed during the week, and I try to sew during her nap time on the weekends! Football does provide me with lots more time to sew, but I have to watch myself when Auburn is playing.:)

  20. I have to sew at night when the babies are in bed. Which is super hard because I'm exhausted! Sometimes I can sew in bits and pieces, but it's not my style to leave something hanging, so that just aggravates me! I'd love to make everything my children wear, but that is NOT the case at all, and it makes me so sad because there is such a small window for these sweet children's clothes! Thank you for the fun giveaway! You are such an inspiration!


  21. Now that my children are all gone, I sew whenever the mood strikes. However, that is not a blessing: sometimes I sew all day long!!! And my housework suffers!!!

  22. I sew a lot on Friday nights while I listen to Austin High School football on the radio. Otherwise, it is just whenever I can find time.


  23. I sew early on weekend mornings. I try not to sew on weeknights, because I get all wrapped up in the project, and it's suddenly 1 am!


  24. I "steal" time to sew mostly during naptime. It can often take up to a month to finish one garment. But I love it! My husband also sometimes let's me have a marathon on a Saturday while he watches the kids. It's a big gift of love.

  25. Forgot my email...vhjgleason@gmail.com

  26. I sew at night after my little one has gone to sleep. My husband and I are night owls, so it's when I feel my most creative and productive. My guest room has turned into a craft room and requires at least a day's notice before someone can stay because it's often a disaster!! I found your blog only a few weeks ago after taking a smocking class. My second smocked dress was done with one of your free patterns, so thanks so much! And I love reading about your grandchildren and what is going on. Too Fun!

  27. I sew during naptime, usually in the early afternoon. Sometimes on Saturdays when my husband can take over with the kids. Thanks for the giveaway! j-j-s AT juno DOT com

  28. I work full time so I snatch a little time here and there during the week and get a longer stretch in on the weekends. I do handwork when traveling or watching my kids' sports. It never seems like a lot of time but last year I designed and machine embroidered lace on organza for my daughter's wedding dress, made her dress, 6 bridesmaid dresses and 2 smocked flower girl dresses. So I guess it is enough of time.

  29. Whenever I find the time! I keep our grandgirl every weekday until after lunch, so there's only time for play time then. I do most of my handsewing during the ballgames or Nascar races. I can listen/watch and get some "Me" time too! Love your patterns and have made quite a few things for our grandgirl from them.

  30. On occasion I will get up a few minutes early and sew and usually I have time on Saturdays if Grandson not playing ball. But Sunday afternoon after church is my favorite time.

    Christian and Emma can't get any cuter.


  31. This comment has been removed by the author.

  32. As a homeschooling mama it can be difficult to fit it in, but I try to schedule a bit of time each afternoon when the boys are doing independent work or spend some time after supper. That said, I haven't gotten much done lately as we are still trying to work out the new schedule and keep up with a productive garden. And when I do find some time it takes a bit of time to clean up from others dropping stuff off in the sewing room or my leaving a mess from a quick repair. I do get a lot of handwork done in the car or waiting at appointments.
    marcy dot)l(dot)bloom (at)gmail(dot)com

  33. Hi Michie, Right now I am definitely a "sew for a minute here and there" Mom. With 5 busy kiddos, and one just a baby, I am always running around. I have more ideas and projects than time, but when I do get to sew, I really enjoy it! Before the baby, I went on a few sewing retreats with my quilt guild. In those 2 1/2 days, I got an amazing amount done!!

  34. I sew A LOT during naptime. I have a 3 year old and 17 month old so after a light cleaning I have about an hour to sew daily. That is about all I can manage but occasionally my husband takes pity on me and watches the kids for an hour or 2 on Saturdays so I can finish an outfit for Sunday! I would love to sew at night but would probably sew my hand to something due to exhaustion!


  35. I like to sew early in the morning, usually around 6:00 or 7:00. I have found that I can concentrate much better at the beginning of the day.


  36. I work full-time so I sew whenever I can. I usually do my sewing in the sewing room on the machine when my husband is busy with other things, and smock, embroider, and hem when I can sit with him, and ask, "What, you mean there are 3 important games in a row? How can they all be important?" Hahaha

  37. I work full time so I sew the most in the evenings and on the weekends. But we are expecting our first baby so I have kicked the sewing into high gear and try to do as much as I can whenever I can!!! My email address is nickjuliebaggett@gmail.com.

  38. I have 3 young boys (3 1/2, 2, & 4 months). My personality is such that I prefer to focus on a project and immerse myself in it until it's done...not possible with a growing family to care for. :) That's okay; it's good for me to learn new strategies. I sometimes sew while all the boys are sleeping in the afternoon. Other times I sew when my older boys are up and try to involve them in the process. They love seeing the work and helping when they can; and they so appreciate what I make for them, esp. when they've been able to watch it come together. Melissa (melissa[dot]k[dot]wolfe[at]gmail[dot]com)

  39. I sew before dinner when my little one is watching TV for a few minutes and then I sew after he is in bed.

    Sometimes it's hard to get started, but then I find it hard to stop also!


  40. I'm retired, so I can sew whenever I like - it's awesome! I am like a "kamikazi" sewer, because once I start a project, I eat, sleep and drink the project till it's finished! I find it's hard to stop to get dinner, when I am on a roll. I have my first grandchild now, and I have enjoyed smocking all kinds of things for her (she's 4 months old, and a real cutie!)
    Mary O.

  41. I do machine sewing and preparation work in the afternoon and hand sew in the evenings as much as possible. I don't sew late into the night though, just while sitting watching TV before bed (usually something we have recorded and want to watch).


  42. Late at night b/c of the little one...I try to sew when she is asleep!

  43. I'm really struggling to find time to sew. I've just gone back to school. So, with homework, housework, laundry, and meals it is tough to find time to sleep and shower! I'm still hoping to find a routine that will allow a little block of time a few days a week.


  44. What I like to do and what I am ABLE to do are two different things. Given a choice I would sew for hours on end, however, due to some injuries I have to sew in bursts here and there. Bottomline is when I can sew I am HAPPY!!! soardkg@fuse.net Kristy

  45. When my children were small, I would often end up doing the late-night sewing thing. Now I have a health condition that won't let me sit upright very long, so I sew in snatches, usually in the morning when the light is better.

    donnalee1953 at gmail dot com

  46. I tend to sew during nap time, with the occasional all Saturday marathon. When I first started learning to sew/smock, I would linger on into the night. But the process has sped along more quickly as I have become more familiar with patterns and terminology. My favorite times to smock is 1. sitting beside my husband as he watches TV. He counts it as spending time together, and I get to focus on my enjoyment and 2. I so enjoy gathering with our bi-monthly sewing group and smocking over hot tea and dessert while catching up with one another and oooohhhing over the others' latest projects. It makes this season of parenting all the sweeter!

  47. Oops, here's my email: ebenthall@gmail.com

  48. I seem to sew often in the afternoon. Now that football season is here I either sew or do handwork. Thanks for the giveaway.

  49. I love to sew early in the morning, if I start a sewing project I need to finish it the same day no matter how many hours I spend in my sewing room.


  50. I sew in the morning after my quiet time, and into the early afternoon before school gets out. After 4pm, my focus changes to dinner, family, chores and other things. All in all, I feel lucky to have the time to be at home and do something I love. darbylogan@aol.com

  51. Kristen Benjamin at kris10benjamin@yahoo.comSeptember 13, 2011 at 9:43 PM

    I sew in spurts and typically have several projects going at once. I may cut a pattern out one day. The next I'll gather the sleeves and skirt. For me it's early in the morning, late at night, 30 minutes or so before the kids get home from school or a quiet day when they're at school and I can steal a couple hours to sew and leave everything else that needs attention to another day and time.

  52. I steal time to sew any time, but most recently I have been smocking & embroidering in the hospital/ICU setting. My mother was ill & recently passed away. I found the hand work soothing and calming. I have always felt that sewing heals the heart. I enjoy giving to friends & family, and the sewing eased the waiting time. I finished the embroidery on the baby dress from the GNOSAGA class you taught earilier this year.

  53. Michie
    ALL I do is sewing and embroidery - I am not retired, our children are in South Africa, my hubby is working in Saudi Arabia and was mobilized to site, 3+hours drive away from home, so he live in a man camp and I only see him from Thursday evening 8pm until Saturday morning 3.30am, so I sleep about 2-3 hours a night and the rest of the time I sew, do smocking and machine embroidery. I am always on the lookout for new challenges as I NEED to keep myself busy and my mind occupied or else I will not make it.
    Living in Saudi Arabia is not easy for a woman, we are not allowed to drive a car and have to use buses to go to town, there are 5 prayer times a day and all the shops and restaurants close for prayer. We have to wear our abaya's - the long black dress when going in public. The goat and the camels are worth more than women in Saudi Arabia. Now you might understand WHY I am in my sewing paradise the entire day and most of the nights too - this keep me sane!

  54. i guess i'm lucky. my husband doesn't care to watch any kind of sports on t.v. i do my sewing in the afternoon. i am now sewing for my grandchildren. when my children were small the only time i could get in sewing was after they went to bed into the wee hours of the morning.
    lovebirdmom at gmail dot com

  55. It's hard-----I was a stay-at-home mom for 24 years, and now I'm working full-time! I keep telling my husband I don't have time to work, because I have projects I want to do! I always manage to have smocking/knitting/embroidery to do when I watch TV, but true sewing happens less frequently.

  56. I sew ONLY after the house is clean


  57. Live full-time in our motor home and find lots of time to sew for my grandchildren. Had to downsize big time to live this lifestyle; however, found a cubby hole for my sewing machine. "Life is Good Today" hornsbyjane@gmail.com

  58. Now that we are both retired...no kids, no jobs, etc pulling on us...and we live in another state from our kids and grands, my time is basically my own. I can sew practically any time I want...and I do!! I used to sew in the mornings before work, or in the evenings. I don't have the energy for that anymore so once my daily chores are done, I am usually in my sewing room. I try to wrap it up by dinner time and we spend the evenings together.

  59. Now that my daughter is in high school, she isn't really interested in "made with love" handmade clothes. However, while the clothes are washing, I sew a little each day. I just completed a day gown for my now 2 week-old grandniece. She has three older brothers. I too have the problem of spending too much time on the Internet admiring all the other sewers' creations. Love your work.

  60. I sew when I wake up at night and can't sleep. Since I can't sleep I might as well do something constructive and it relaxes me. My sewing is a wonderful way to wind down.

  61. This comment has been removed by the author.

  62. I like to sew after I get the house in order that way I can sew with a clear conscience.


  63. I sew mostly around 6:00am. My husband is not well, and he doesn't get up until around 10:00am. After I clean the house, and take of him, he goes back to sleep, and if I am not too tire, I sew. That is my sanity. I can lose myself in my sewing room. I love your patterns. My e-mail address is mee9m5@aol.com. Thank you

  64. I sew whenever I can...which is hard with four kids, homeschooling, and one of them being an infant! I would love to win one of your books or patterns! I've learned so much from your blog!!

  65. Michie'....For now, I haven't found time to sew as my son-in-law is in Afghanistan (5th deployment...yuck) and all our free time is spent trying to help my daughter and the grandkids. But, I do prefer the luxury of having a long period of time to devote to a project without interruption. Which usually means smocking into the wee hours of the evening. I now know that while my husband was active duty Air Force and gone TDY so much that I was soooo much more productive. Too bad that Delta Airlines doesn't keep him as busy..LOL!

  66. I typically sew in the middle of the night or very early in the morning. It's just me time... I also sew at the last minute before I need to wear it, give it or send it!

  67. I plan hand sewing work so I can 'watch' football on tv. I seem to get more work done during football season! I have never been able to watch tv without some type of knitting or sewing. I enjoy reading your blog - thanks for all the information!

  68. Sewing has become a major part of my life. With today's economy, I've tried to help our family finances by sewing and selling smocked/embroidered clothes and vestments/cassocks for clergy in our church. It takes most of my time and energy during the day and night. Of course, it's a joy to see items completed and gives me a sense of accomplishment. Also, there are the numerous family members who ask for a creation for the latest newborn. It thrills me to be a part of the tradition of beautiful sewing that will continue to the next generation despite all of the "Walmarts" of our society. Thanks for your blog and a place to continue to learn and seek inspiration to sew even more handmade creations!

  69. Well, handwork comes with me to my girls' music lessons, to work for my lunch break, on vacation, pretty much anywhere I might have a few minutes. Machine sewing is usually at night after all the daytime running around is done (unless I am doing something with a definite deadline, then everything stops so I can finish!).

  70. I sew by machine during the day. I like to do handwork at night while watching a movie. It's hard for me to just sit and watch a movie - I think about all the stuff I could be making!

  71. I don't get to sew on my machine most days...it's just easier to find the time to handsew during this time of my life. So I sew at night after I've put the kids to bed, during their naptimes, and during piano lessons.
    :) Someday I'll be sad I have so much time to sew!

  72. I sew whenever I can find a few minutes throughout the day. I'll get the kids situated on something, and have a few minutes between laundry, cleaning, and cooking, so I'll go lay out a pattern, or set a sleeve. That's why my DR table is usually a mess when I'm into a project!! I usually do handwork after the kids are in bed.


  73. Hi Michie' I love your blogs and I've taken many of your classes and love them I try to sew as often as I can but wish it was every day. sdcarr@mchsi.com

  74. Sewing time comes in spurts, but usually at the end of the day into night for the machine sewing. I try to have small hand stitching projects ready to go in project bags and take these with me on car trips anywhere. I work on them when someone else is driving and the roads aren't too rough, and when waiting in the car, at the doctor's, etc. Any time is a good time to sew!

  75. I smock on my lunch time at work, but most of my sewing time is on my days off work. So I don't get lots of time to sew. I have to guard my sewing time as "me" time. I've sewn late at night, but I don't do that very much anymore, cuz I make too many mistakes. It's not much fun taking out a sleeve that's backwards when you should have went to bed instead.

  76. Oops forgot to leave my email address for you. jmboyd@clear.net

  77. It seems like lately I am having to scrap for time to sew. I swear since I retired that I stay busier than ever!
    I used to sew late at night or until bedtime on school nights when I taught, but as I get older, that is harder to do.
    Sewing is my therapy, and sometimes I just don't get enough. LOL
    Thanks for a chance to win.

  78. With a 5 week old, i'm not getting much done but bare essentials! But before #2 arrived, I sewed while my daughter was in preschool, nap time or after bedtime. Occasionally my husband will take a weekend day to have father-daughter time, allowing me free time!

    email: shelleyhkish [at] gmail [dot] com

  79. Sewin' in the mornin,,
    Sewin' in the evenin',
    Sewing' at supper time....

    I sew anytime I get a free moment!!

  80. I love to sew or smock at night after my child has gone to bed. The house is quiet and it gives me time to do something I enjoy!

  81. I sew at nap time and bedtime :)


  82. When I started sewing I had two small boys, so I grabbed time while doing housework. While the clothes were in the washer, food in oven, boys napping. Now I am a grandma and I can sew when I want. I will go to my machine during breaks in TV shows, pull an all-nighter. I love to sit and finish my hand work while enjoying a favorite program on my DVR...that way, I am only stuck to my machine, never the TV. Sewing is my life! Thanks

  83. I typically sew early on Saturday mornings while my crew sleeps in. I also have a sewing buddy and we will sew one night a week from about 7:00 until 10:00. My brain turns into mush after that. Wish I had the energy to sew after I get home in the evenings on my own but that just isn't the case. Love your blog. We are expecting our first grandchild in a few weeks and your blog gives me plenty of ideas for our little man. Thanks for all you do.

  84. When the kids are in bed and the house is quiet it's the best time to sew :)

  85. I find time to sew in the afternoon just before cooking dinner. I have everything set up so if I just have a little time I can do something. I love your blog---so many ideas!!

  86. when do I find time..... late at night or in the evening after work. we are not sports fans so that's not an option. I often sew rather than clean!!! Thanks for the give-a-way!!

  87. I only find time to sew at night, after my kids go to bed!


  88. When you have a 4 year old, a 2 year old, and an 11 month old you must have creativity and determination to sew. People comment all the time that they can't believe I find time, and I say, "you find time for the things you enjoy". I've tried it all, but recently what's working best to to work like mad all day and get all my chores done, so that when they go to bed at 7:30 I have a quiet house to sew in. That means I only get a couple of hours before I must go to bed, but if I'm persistent by the end of the week I've accomplished a lot.
    My husband and I also trade off weekends. Every other Sunday afternoon I watch the boys while he does his woodworking and then he does the same for me on my weekend. This gives me a bigger chunk of time to work.
    There is no way I'm going to let this time to sew for my kids pass. I "just do it". It's amazing how a little time creatively sewing relieves the stresses of life.

  89. I find time to sew during nap time and after my daughter has gone to bed. I struggle just like everyone else to find time to sew with a toddler around. I've never gotten on an all day sewing kick, but maybe one day I will!


  90. I have a 15 day old grand child that arrived a month early. I have been coming home from work (high school teacher) and rushing to get my "homework" done so I can get those daygowns finished. I also have been sewing all day on Saturdays and Sundays.
    Tracy Jackson

  91. Sewing for years was done in the evenings after kids/work/dinner. Now that I am home, I find it hard to sew during the day when that time was not an option before. I find myself putting in all nighters when deadlines are upon me. My husband calls it procrastination, I call it getting things done in my time :)

    Love your blog and patterns. Just finished one of the boy's cg with the pleated front and round collar. One of those not too "girly" gowns appreciated by dads.

    Thanks for the give-away.
    Belinda bjwhipple@mchsi.com

  92. I try to do as much sewing as possible during the daytime, and work around housework and errands. Once my hubby comes home from work, he wants to spend time with me and feels left out if I go to the sewing room. The only exception is if I do handwork on the couch while he reads or watches tv.

  93. When my girls were little and I was a stay at home mom, I sewed during the day with them sitting in my lap or in the floor beside me with their own sewing projects! Now I have two granddaughters (5 yrs and 16 mths)and they sit at my feet or in my lap with their own sewing projects! It is a sweet thing to pass something I love so much to little ones I love so much!

    Thanks for the give a way!


  94. I usually sneak in some sewing time while my daughter is napping, or after her bedtime, if I still have the energy to do so. I love your blog. it is my go to blog for smocking inspirations

  95. I am not working right now, so I am sewing all the time, instead of being at work, wishing I was home sewing!

  96. I'm BRAND NEW to smocking, although I've admired it as an art, and more recently as a clothing option, for my 2 boys. I'm also new to sewing clothes, but I find I have plenty of time to play with my machine after the boys go to bed, at 7:30-8pm, until midnight-ish, and rarely during naptime, if I have a deadline.

    hansonbe @ gmail . com

    Beth H.

  97. This comment has been removed by the author.

  98. I always sew during nap time when my husband is at work. It normally takes 2-4 naps to finish an outfit depending on the pattern. I smock while "watching" tv at night with my husband. Right now I'm working on (long) jon jons for the fall/winter.

    Carrie W

  99. 4 of my 5 kids are still at home. Seems like finding time to sew gets harder and harder. I do my machine work while they are at school. School pick up lines are great times to get handwork done...especially my favorite...smocking!

  100. With working and keeping Grandchildren on a daily basis - it is hard to find time but I do squeese it in during the evening. Because two of the grandchildren live with us at this time, I am often found sewing with one of them on my lap or leaning on me asking question about what I am doing.

  101. I've found that I actually accomplish more by sewing in small bursts. I am able to really concentrate, then move on to a chore and then come back to sew some more. Love your patterns and I would LOVE to win one to use for my expected grandson. -- Karen

  102. I sew for hours almost every day. I am the grandmother of 5 boys, the youngest is 5. 12 months ago my daughter gave us my precious grand daughter. I still had over 50 dresses I had made for my daughter when she was little, over 30 years ago. I am now trying to make even more for baby Lauren. My only problem is that she is growing too fast and I didn't get all the baby things made that I had planned before she was too old to wear them. I too am from Alabama and love your blog.

  103. This comment has been removed by the author.

  104. I try and sew whenever I can, usually after supper at night or if I am lucky in the afternoon. Love reading your blog and seeing the pics of your beautiful grandchildren!

    michelle norris

  105. I try to make time to sew on Tuesday night, and when I visit my mom. I also like to smock on long road trips.

  106. This time of year I really try to take advance of the football games to block out some solid time for stitching. And after all, weren't instant replays designed with stitchers in mind?

  107. Since I can't seem to find time to sew. . . my most creative hours appear to be from ll:00 p.m. to 3:00 a.m. The next morning when I wake up it's like the sewing fairy came and left a little jonjon or dress. I always like what I sew better after I've had a couple of hours of sleep.

  108. I forgot my email address aldersonproperty@bellsouth.net

  109. I have always found it very hard to find time to sew.
    I wish my local fabric store sold increments of time along with yards of fabric. Then I could just drop in and buy 2 hours of uninterrupted sewing time!

  110. forgot my email address!

  111. LOVE to sew in the mornings and the early afternoon while my children are doing their schoolwork! CANNOT sew at night. I am a morning person and my sewing self shuts down around 4. If I try to sew after that, I am guaranteed MANY mistakes and MUCH frustration!

  112. Thank you for this opportunity! I sew every day for 2.5 year old boy... And love it! My gial
    Is to make 90% of his clothes! I sew during nap time, after bed time and on the weekends. And now with another baby boy due on Christmas, I am sewing teeny tiny baby things! (using your patterns and blog ad my guide). Sewing is my creative time, a space where all worries disapear! BTW, any chance you would share some tips on ironing daygown sleeves :)


  113. After I get home from teaching school, I sew and embroider from afternoon to early evening. Then on weekends, I do the hand stitching on garments while I watch Georgia and Alabama football games with my husband! Go Dawgs and Roll Tide!

  114. I too try to sew in small snippets during the day. Sometimes I will get a block of a few hours and I go for it. Thank you for your giveaway.

    Marie Roche

  115. I hsve 3 daughters 10, 5 and 3. I also teach college and do Girl Scouts. So time is precious. I usually sew a seam or pin something whenever i pass through my sewing room or when I have 20 minutes to spare waiting for the girls to get ready. I don't finish projects quickly, but a seam or two everyday will get the job done.

  116. Michie
    Thanks for posting this question. I am so happy to see other moms with small children posts about doing smocking, and hand embroidery. I am one of 3 women with small children in my smocking guild. Enjoyed reading the posts

  117. I am a grandmother with a 13 month old granddaughter and love sewing for her. I work part time and on my day off, I usually take my m-i-l to the doctors, etc. I was challenged by a friend to try to sew at least 45 minutes a night (she works full time) and I have tried to put that into practice. LOL, there are some nights that the 45 minutes stretches into a few hours, and I love those nights, but I really have been able to get a lot done in those 45 minute snatches of time.

  118. I sew in snip its of time.....take smocking to work to do at lunch...at the machine at night after work or early in the morning if trying to complete a project....been sewing since 5 th grade and that's a lot of years

  119. My email should be attached. Sewilliams1018@comcast net

  120. This comment has been removed by the author.

  121. I have been married for 31 years. My husband has been ill for 18 of those years. I work full time and at the end of my day I care for my husband (I have a full time caregiver when I am at work). Late in the evening after I have him in bed asleep, I sneak off to my sewing room - my haven, my stress re-leaver, and sew. I don't sleep much and I think that is because sewing relaxes me and calms my weary soul so much that I don't need a lot of sleep. Wee into the night, while my husband is asleep, my peace comes to me in my sanctuary - my sewing room. ljg923@msn.com

  122. I find I rarely have time to sew. When I do have time, I lack motivation. Right now I am sewing bonnets and wee care gowns for SAGA convention. I have a machine set up in my room, one in the lodge room at the store and one in the attic... all in case I do have a few minutes. My long bursts of sewing are limited to convention or quilting camps.

  123. I like to set aside a full day to sew and typically try to finish up what I have cut the previous day. Sometimes that doesn't happen! I'm fortunate to be retired a little earlier than most and have devoted my "extra" time to sewing for my sweet grandchildren.

    niener987 at comcast dot net
