Monday, August 1, 2011

A Daygown For The Boy

Christian's Daddy reluctantly allowed him to wear a daygown home from the hospital, whereas, our boys wore them until they were walking! I called them "night shirts" and they only wore them at home, so Rex was okay with that. Maybe we should just change the name.... But, no matter what Daddy thinks and he wasn't here, Christian loved modeling the daygown as you can see.

The daygown is made from Imperial Batiste and is piped with pale blue piping. The Shadow Embroidered bunny can be found in the "Heirloom Embroidery Book."



  1. I love daygowns for boys. I had no choice but to put gowns on my son. Because of orthopedic problems, he was in double leg casts by the time he was eight weeks old. Nothing else would work in cold weather!

  2. Christian is adorable and so is the daygown. I think I will be having this same dilema with my future son-in-law, if a grandson is in my future, too. lol

  3. Both of my boys wore daygowns home from the hospital, and they wore cotton gowns until their feet stuck out too far! MUCH easier to change diapers in the middle of the night, but also....the dressy one look sooo sweet on little boys!

  4. He looks adorable! Such a happy baby!
