Saturday, June 25, 2011

Size Chart

I now have an official size chart! The size chart may be viewed through the website with the individual patterns or you may click here to download a printable copy.

Isn't that a sweet face? Christian is now 5 weeks old and he and Anna are both doing great. Apparently this is the face you make after spitting up on everyone in the household.....



  1. He spit up on everyone and is very satisfied! You gotta love em!

  2. How can you not love that face? What spit up????

  3. I know that face!! It is the look of a future teenager trying hard to not "look" in trouble!!!

    However, this sweet baby face did just make my day. :) Darby

  4. Thanks for the size chart - it was just what I needed!

  5. How cute! He's really precious and I'm thankful for the updated picture! Won't belong and we'll all be in Huntsville again. See you there!
