Sunday, November 14, 2010

A White Daygown For Emma

This is the little daygown that I quickly made after receiving the e-mail that little Emma would only weigh about 5 lbs.! Rex, was out of town, so I could stay up as late as I wanted sewing and could start early again Saturday morning.

I used pattern #128 (one of my personal favorites) and pulled out the white Imperial batiste and a little lace. Using the newborn size, I took slightly larger seams to size it down a little. I cut out the gown and put in the tucks that night and then had to quit because my eyes stopped focusing! It was a nice surprise the next morning to see that my tucks were straight after all.

I completed the construction Saturday morning and added the white embroidery at the bottom. This is a very simple gown because I want the focus on baby, not what she is wearing for her first outing!



  1. What a beautiful gown for a beautiful girl! Congratulations!

    Does this mean you will be missing your class at Barb's on Tuesday?

  2. For those who have asked, baby Emma, Mommy, and Daddy are in Texas waiting for the court papers to go through. I am still in Alabama and will go for a visit in December. That is a long wait for Nana Shay and Grandda Rex! :)
