Friday, November 19, 2010

Baby Emma Is Finally Going Home!

I can't tell you what it did to my heart last week when I opened the email with this picture of baby Emma and realized that the hands holding her belong to our oldest baby. The final adoption papers were signed today and they are now on their way back to Arizona to start their new life as a family. Rex and I will be going for a visit when she turns a month old. What a long wait it is!

So what is an anxious first time grandmother to do? Sew of course! Since Emma is so tiny, I seem to be interested in simple designs right now. I had just enough scraps of lace and Imperial Batiste for a pale blue daygown. I used pattern #125 and added a few tiny tucks and an embroidery design from a vintage pattern.

A simple neck band and delicate ecru embroidery using one strand of DMC floss. I started the embroidery while in Baton Rouge and New Orleans, so once again I have a unique memory of working on the gown while waiting for Emma's due date to arrive.

More embroidery at the bottom complete the dainty look of the gown.

We have appreciated all of the prayers and the adoption that you have shared with us during the last few weeks. Adopted babies are truly special gifts from God.



  1. Beautiful little baby girl and lovely blue gown! :)

  2. Such a sweet and touching photograph! The gown is lovely, and will be even moreson when little Emma is wearing it.

  3. Congratulations on this tiny beautiful blessing. No doubt she will be the best dressed baby in Arizona!
