Tuesday, July 20, 2010

A Week Off?

I thought that I would let you know that I will be taking the rest of the week off from creating, sewing, and blogging. It sounds like vacation time, but it is actually one of the most tiring, fun, and inspiring weeks that I have all year. What is it? Martha Pullen School of course! I can't believe it is here once again. I'm looking forward to meeting up with old friends, making new ones, and talking sewing all week long! I will be back next week with plenty of pictures and new ideas to share. The camera is packed and Anna said that I can even spend the night at her house one night. I've hinted at additional nights, but she isn't committing.....

I had to share some pictures that have nothing to do with sewing. We do not usually see sunflowers growing in Alabama, so they are quite a treat. I was getting ready for Bible Study the other morning and my friend called and said, "Good, you haven't left, bring your camera!" I sat through all of Bible Study wondering why I had brought my camera. I thought that maybe she had grown a tomato in the shape of a duck or something else cool like that. Instead, we drove down the road about half a mile from her house and a cotton field that I have driven past for 20 years was full of sunflowers! The beautiful view ALMOST makes up for it hitting 100 degrees this week.

* Several of you have recently requested me to "Be your friend" on Facebook. Let me say that I am extremely flattered, but you must be patient until Anna has time to show me how to do that! :)



  1. I love the Sunflowers. What a treat for the eyes!

  2. I live in Mississippi and have never seen a field of sunflowers - they're beautiful! We'll miss you, but look forward to you returning with lots to share.

  3. How are you listed in Facebook? I'd like to be one of your friends.

    Love the sunflowers. I don't think I've ever seen that many at one time.

    Have fun at MP Sewing school!

  4. The photos of the Sunflowers turned out so lovely. I almost feel like I'm there. So beautiful against the blue sky.

  5. I love this shot! I have an almost identical one from my trip to France last week. I've never seen fields of sunflowers in Alabama either.
