Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Thread Storage

In the eternal quest for thread storage, here is what I am using now. I found clear stackable storage boxes at Hancock's Fabrics. Each box holds 15 spools of thread and I am able to have one box per "color family." If you do not have a lot of wall space for the hanging spool rack (which I also like) these work nicely.

I have a small cabinet with several drawers that sits next to the sewing machine. I am able to get 4 of the spool boxes in each drawer and can tell at a glance if I need to go and buy more thread.

* Don't forget about the free give away!



  1. Hi Michie, I like that idea! Love to be able to "see" through the box. I bet your sewing room is clean as a whistle! Jeannie

  2. It depends on what day you drop in! Creativity is a messy job! :)

  3. I almost cannot remember not sewing. My mother was an excellent seamtress, making many pretty things for me as a child. She had a treadle Singer sewing machine. I had three older sisters, she let us all make doll clothes on that old treadle machine. As a teenager, I took Home Ec at School. Our teacher was an old maid who required the students to do everything to perfection. So between this teacher and my mother I learned to love to sew. When I see an old treadle machine, it brings back many happy memories. I love to sew to this day for my seven granddaughters. I cannot imagine my life without some kind of sewing project or handwork to do. Thank you for letting me share my love of sewing and the great memories.
