Thursday, April 9, 2009

Spring Flowers

I'm ready for it to be warm enough to plant spring flowers! While I wait, this little dress filled the need to play with flowers. The dress was made by pattern #130, using white pique and green cotton for the border. I eliminated the hem of the dress when cutting it out, then cut a border out of the green fabric the depth that I though looked good. The border was then sewn to the bottom of the dress using a basic Madeira technique. I pulled out colorful cotton prints for the neck bindings, yo-yo flowers, and covered buttons for the centers. Then I discovered that it was going the take a trip to the local quilting store to refresh my memory for making the flowers! I never mind a trip anywhere when there is fabric involved! Once I decided where to place the flowers on the dress it was just a matter of attaching the rickrack by hand with DMC floss. It was such a fun and simple little dress to make and I loved getting to pick out the different fabrics!

1 comment:

  1. How did you eliminate the tucks on front of #130 Spring Flowers?
