Friday, August 5, 2016

Just A Reminder...We Have Moved!

Just a reminder, that this blog has moved to our new address  You don't want to miss out on our new projects and updates!

Saturday, February 27, 2016

Now We Are Ready!

Everything is back working properly and NOW you are able to go to the new blog and sign up so that you don't miss a thing!!!

Wednesday, February 24, 2016


If you have hopped over to the new blog and tried to sign up this morning you are going to have trouble finding the button to sign up!  Apparently in some of our updating that button decided to take a bit of a vacation.  Our web person is on it, so please be patient and hopefully it will be back by tomorrow.  I'll keep you posted!


Tuesday, February 23, 2016

A Little Reminder

Just a little reminder that our blog is at a new address and can be accessed from the home page of our new website.  We have lots of new things going on and don't want you to be left out!  Be sure to sign up at the new location to keep up with the latest.
